31 Garlic Recipes With Big, Bold, Savory Flavor
You want garlic flavor? (We’re guessing so, since you’ve arrived at a list of garlic recipes.) Or lemon-garlic flavor (the key to a classic hummus)? Honey-garlic? Ginger-garlic (a purée of it, rubbed on meat as a marinade*)? Anything-garlic? Then you’re going to have to deal with garlic breath (although there are also some ways to deal with that). And you’d be smart to learn how, because there are some serious health benefits involved: Fresh garlic is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. Sulfur compounds, which have medicinal properties, form when you chop or crush it. (Actually, that’s a good trivia question: “Which is healthier, raw garlic or minced garlic?” Bet most people won’t guess that it’s the latter.) So, get thee to the grocery store, fill up your tote bag, and make these garlic recipes. They’re our 29 favorite ways to cook the allium.
* “Yum” is right.
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