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4 Ways To Simulate The Effects Of Taking Ozempic With Food

4 Ways To Simulate The Effects Of Taking Ozempic With Food

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists like Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy improve metabolic health and promote weight loss. They mimic the action of GLP-1, an endogenous hormone produced by the gut’s L-cells released when you eat. GLP-1 increases insulin levels, reduces the liver’s sugar production, slows digestion and reduces appetite.

Here’s what GLP-1 drug-makers don’t want you to know. Simple foods can increase your body’s own GLP-1 levels for a tiny fraction of the cost. GLP-1 medications are also often required long-term to maintain weight loss, and have significant side effects—including nausea, diarrhea, and muscle loss.

Here are four ways to boost GLP-1 naturally through food and avoid the side effects of Ozempic and others.

1. Increase intake of soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is the version of fiber in food that is dissolvable in water, forms a gel-like substance in your gut, and is not absorbed. As it passes into the colon, it is fermented by your belly’s bacteria producing short chain fatty acids (SCFA)—like butyrate and others. SCFAs stimulate GLP-1 production.

Foods rich in soluble fiber include oats (whole oats or steel cut are preferred), beans and legumes (black beans, chick peas), fruits (e.g. apricots, oranges, mangos), and vegetables (broccoli and Brussel sprouts). Soluble fiber also lowers heart disease, reduces cholesterol, and improves blood sugar control.

2. Eat more lean protein, preferably plant-based protein.

Proteins are generally the most satiating macronutrient. This is caused in part by the effects of GLP-1. Protein breakdown products stimulate GLP-1 through binding to calcium-sensing receptors on the gut’s L-cells.

Excellent plant-based protein sources include beans, edamame, lentils, nuts and seeds. Animal sources include eggs, chicken, fish and beef. According to Dr. Michael Gregor, author of How Not To Diet, plant-based protein is preferred because it is linked to lower cancer risk than animal-based protein.

Adults should eat about 0.8 grams to as much as 1 gram of daily protein for every kilogram of body weight. Intake should be on the higher side, particularly while losing weight.

3. Consume more healthy fats.

Healthy fats are potent stimulators of GLP-1include—specifically monounsaturated fats (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFA). Good MUFA sources are olive oil and avocados. Foods high in PUFA include fatty fish (e.g. salmon), walnuts, and tofu. In a study of people with type-2 diabetes, there was a higher GLP-1 response following a meal that contained olive oil compared to butter—which is high in saturated fat, and less healthy than MUFAs or PUFAs. Healthy fats also lower heart disease risk, improve cholesterol, reduce inflammation and support gut health.

4. Favor polyphenol-rich foods.

Some polyphenols can increase GLP-1 by either directly causing the L-cells to increase secretion, or in an indirectly through gut bacteria. Foods with high polyphenols include spinach, green tea, apples, celery, asparagus, and berries. Polyphenols also improve lipid profiles, reduce blood pressure, and can lower insulin resistance and inflammation.

Eating more GLP-1 boosting foods can simulate the actions of Ozempic. A downside is they don’t work as quickly. Yet they can create more long-lasting weight loss and glucose control if eating them becomes a habit. Another added benefit is they may displace unhealthy foods—specifically ultra-processed foods (e.g. cookies, cakes, salty snacks)—which shorten lifespan.

Ultimately, the “food as medicine” movement is catching on. It’s more important than ever as 90% of Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables according to government dietary guidelines. Many chronic diseases including hypertension, diabetes, and lipid disorders are caused in part by the Standard American Diet (SAD) and can often be addressed by adopting a diet where GLP-1 boosting foods play a central role.

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