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Apparently I was just supposed to read her mind

Apparently I was just supposed to read her mind

Some context: Talked with this girl from a dating app, texted non-stop for almost a week, had great conversation, and we were both super excited about our plans to meet up. She lives far from me, 2.5 hours away. She suggested she come to meet me to stargaze at a local reservoir (local to me) after I get off work at midnight. Knowing this is a not so safe thing for her to do, I wanted to make sure she felt as comfortable as possible so we FaceTime called the night before and had a great conversation. She was cute, funny, but a bit reserved. Still said she wanted to pull the trigger on our stargazing date and even made a bomb ass playlist for us.

The afternoon of our date, I text her to express my excitement as we’d both been counting down the hours and she responds suddenly telling me she’s nervous. Nervous about weird future things like my work hours, her distance, both of our roommate situations. Ok, I’m thinking maybe she just needs some reassurance and to talk it through. She seemed undecided and I wanted her to be 100% comfortable. She suggests that we scrap our plans for the night but “not everything” and maybe a nap would make her feel better. Spoiler alert: it did not. I get a text from her 3 hours later (it’s getting close to our meetup time now) saying she feels terrible, she wants to come, but doesn’t want to waste our time. I told her I was disappointed but it’s fine. She then suggests she just comes anyway because she “didn’t want to disappoint me”. This made me feel a little weird and quite honestly, I’m over it at this point so I suggest we just plan for another time when she felt more comfortable, that way we’d have more time to talk/get to know each other and figure out logistics. She then texts me some garbage about “what she wanted me to say” and nukes the whole thing after I tell her I feel I’m being gaslit and made to be the asshole. Like, WTF?! Things were so smooth and carefree up to that point. Other than me not being a fucking psychic mind reader, I can’t figure out what the hell happened.

TLDR; talked to this girl for a week, made plans to meetup, she feels nervous about things the day of our date and suggests we scrap the nights plans, I’m disappointed about it but whatever, she says she’ll just come anyways to “not disappoint me” which makes me feel weird so I suggest a different time, she gets buttmad about me not being able to read her mind and tell her to “just come anyways”, proceeds to nuke the entire connection over it.

submitted by /u/Cloudzer223 to r/Nicegirls

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