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Do Tanning Beds Help Eczema? Experts Reveal The Truth

Do Tanning Beds Help Eczema? Experts Reveal The Truth

I was keen to know if people in the “real world” turn to tanning beds in a bid to treat their eczema, and the responses I received were alarming. Ellie, 24, admitted to using tanning beds as an eczema treatment even though she had previously had a cancer scare. “I have loads of moles and actually had a cancerous mole from abusing [tanning beds] too much when I was younger,” she says. “I did use them a few times [after that] to help my skin condition but I stopped because long term, it isn’t good at all. I won’t touch tanning beds now, even when I have a flare-up.” When asked what changed her mind, Ellie said: “Tanning beds are just quick fixes, and I can’t help but feel like I’m causing further damage — even if it’s helping me feel better in the moment.”

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