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Indonesia Crowns Its First Red Bull Dance Your Style Champion

Photo Credit: Insan Kurniawan / Red Bull Content Pool

INDONESIA, JULY 28, 2024 – The competition was fierce at the National Final of Red Bull Dance Your Style Indonesia, held on July 27, 2024, at Anjungan Sarinah, Central Jakarta. The intense rounds of battles reached their climax as Red Bull named Locking Ben, a locking dancer from Tangerang, as the first-ever National Champion of Red Bull Dance Your Style Indonesia.

This competition, powered by Red Bull (Blue and Silver), challenged 16 of Indonesia’s top dancers to showcase their strong improvisational skills to a selection of random music. True to its popular tagline, “gives you wiiings,” the newly entered European energy drink has awarded Locking Ben a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shine on the global stage as he heads to Mumbai, India.

Locking Ben’s musicality and flawless precision in hitting every beat of diverse song choices captivated the audience, who acted as the competition’s judges. He will compete against the top dance talents from 50 other countries as Indonesia’s exclusive representative at the Red Bull Dance Your Style World Final.

“I was so excited when I heard Red Bull Dance Your Style was coming to Indonesia,” said Locking Ben. “I’ve been looking forward to it, and once I was invited to compete, I began to prepare earnestly.”

Photo Credit: Insan Kurniawan / Red Bull Content Pool

Locking Ben began his dance journey 8 years ago and has since dedicated his life to perfecting his skills. As he prepares to battle with top dancers from around the world, he is even more determined to bring his best performance, ensuring he is physically and mentally ready for what is set to be a thrilling dance battle. [NAME] also expressed his excitement and enthusiasm for representing Indonesia at the Red Bull Dance Your Style World Final.

“I feel pressured to represent Indonesia but I’m really excited,” Locking Ben admitted. “The main thing is my mindset to just have fun, enjoy, and learn from international dancers and bring victory for Indonesia,” said Locking Ben.

Along with its official creative partner, Facemoji Keyboard, Red Bull has crowned Locking Ben as the National Champion of Red Bull Dance Your Style Indonesia. Facemoji Keyboard, the first content creator keyboard that allows users to express themselves in the most intelligent and trendy way. As a pioneer of creative expression, Facemoji Keyboard shares the same vision with Red Bull in empowering individuals. Both brands have come together to celebrate and highlight the dance world of this country.

Photo Credit: Rosmadhany Rais / Red Bull Content Pool

“Facemoji is committed to fostering creativity among its users, and the Red Bull Dance Your Style competition provides an excellent platform for us to achieve this,” said Natalia Lin, Product Lead at Facemoji Keyboard. “At Facemoji, we believe that everyone deserves to be the center of attention, as evidenced by the incredible talent we observed among the dancers today.”

The Red Bull Dance Your Style World Final will take place on November 9, 2024, at the Dome, NSCI – Mumbai, India.

Celebrate Locking Ben’s victory and follow his journey to the world stage by visiting the social media pages of Red Bull Indonesia (TikTok | Instagram | Facebook) and the website, as well as the official dance accounts of Red Bull (TikTok | Instagram).

News clips, as well as royalty-free images, are available for access and download at Red Bull Content Pool through the following link:

Red Bull Dance Your Style Indonesia

Official news video clip

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