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Kody Brown Still Wants To Be Friends With The 3 Sister Wives Who Left Him! …Really??

Kody Brown Still Wants To Be Friends With The 3 Sister Wives Who Left Him! …Really??

Kody Brown has high hopes of keeping his family together… even if things are a little different than before!

The Sister Wives star told People on Thursday that he’s hoping to maintain a friendship with Christine, Meri, and Janelle Brown, all of whom left him within 14 months of each other. It’s been an incredibly messy ride on the TLC show as they all process the end of their polygamous relationships and move on with their lives. And yet Kody thinks they can all be friends!

Related: Christine Brown Drops Deets On ‘Intimacy’ With Kody

The 55-year-old began by opening up about the “journey” he’s been on to find “forgiveness” and “understanding” for the way things played out — even when it comes to his own actions. He said:

“I’ve got to find that space of grace and love for myself.”

The reality star went on to clarify that he wants to “forgive” himself for “being angry about what has happened” and “move on.” Except he doesn’t want to totally move on! Expressing hope for his relationships with all three ex-wives, he elaborated:

“It’s a journey that goes inward and it’s a journey that’s outward. You have to express forgiveness to the people you’ve been involved with. You have to express understanding and hope that at the end of an era for us as a family, we still have hope of a friendship and a loving or kind relationship with each other in the future because we’re bound forever through our kids.”

Keeping it amicable for the kids, now that we can understand! Though they have a ways to go until everyone will be buddies. The TV personality didn’t shy away from the fact that the “experience has been painful” — but he believes, at the end of the day, working through the breakups has been a necessary “process” to get back on more solid ground with his family:

“Really I just look forward to a future of a lot of forgiving and a lot of … just more understanding.”

So, uhh, is this what we can expect from Sister Wives moving forward? Just a bunch of ex-polygamists trying to make amends? That is, if the show gets renewed for another season now that there are no more, ya know, sister wives…

There is some good news, though. While Kody may not have Christine, Meri, or Janelle in his corner anymore, he does still have his last remaining wife Robyn — who is equally bitter about the other women leaving. The couple has understandably been struggling with the transition into monogamy, but Kody now is thrilled that his “confidence is coming back.” He told the outlet:

“[A] few things have happened recently that have really, I guess you could say, built my confidence back, because it destroys your confidence when you go through a divorce or a family breakup.”


The patriarch previously told People that he and Robyn were “a bit depressed” about all the separations and that the splits had “changed” them for good, saying last month:

“We are not recovering from this. I mean, it’s not clinical depression, but we’ve been a bit depressed about what the experience did. That’s an understatement. But we’ve been through a very hard experience and our reaction to it has changed us. We are not the same.”

Jeez. On the Sister Wives: One on One special, he also admitted that he felt like he was sabotaging his romance with Robyn “out of frustration and anger.” Oof. At least it sounds like he’s taking steps in the right direction now…

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[Image via TLC/YouTube]

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