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My eyelid has been twitching like this 24/7 for 5 weeks.

My eyelid has been twitching like this 24/7 for 5 weeks.

I’ve seen an eye doctor, all is healthy. I’m well rested, not stressed (well I wasn’t until now because this is making me want to put my head through a wall), don’t drink caffeine, have had bloodwork (all is fine). Taking antihistamines, magnesium, potassium, tonic water, eye drops. It tugs and pulls NONSTOP, it is not intermittent.

I had a small amount of dysport put in 3 days ago. It’s supposed to work faster than Botox. It actually managed to get worse.

submitted by /u/LoanAgreeable1129 to r/mildlyinfuriating

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