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Podcast 448 | Minimal Aging

Podcast 448 | Minimal Aging
Podcast 448 | Minimal Aging

In this public episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists sit down with Colin Wright, author of How to Turn 39: Thoughts About Aging for People of All Ages, to talk about youth, aging, redefining accomplishments, and more. Listen to the full Maximal episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast.

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Discussed in This Episode

  • What does it mean for young people to embrace the natural aging process?
  • Would your 15-year-old self be impressed by you today?
  • What does JFM want for his 43rd birthday?
  • Listener tip: How can you downsize 100 items in one hour?
  • How do I identify and let go of toxic relationships as I grow older?
  • What can I do if I want to live elsewhere but my family keeps me tied to my city?
  • How can I form meaningful relationships if I am an extreme introvert and other people exhaust me?
  • What can I do, as a 22-year-old, if I feel like I’m “behind” compared to my peers?

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • You care what other people think only because you have an underlying dissatisfaction in your own life.
  • My current idea of the good life is my childhood idea of the bad life.
  • The present moment is brighter when it is not dimmed by the past.
  • The best way to love a toxic person is from a distance.
  • Some people enjoy the Christmas Party, but I’m not one of them.
  • Needing a relationship is the easiest way to ruin a relationship.
  • The more you awaken, the less you desire to fit in.
  • I’d rather be alone than miserable.

Links Mentioned in This Episode

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Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Post-Production Peter

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