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Strategist in Boston, MA — Money Diary

Strategist in Boston, MA — Money Diary

Occupation: Strategist
Industry: Retail
Age: 30
Location: Boston, MA
Salary: $114,000
Net Worth: $571,220 (home equity: $237,000 (I own my home on my own and my husband contributes to the mortgage), company stock account: $55,858, investment account: $108,730, Roth IRA: $71,972, traditional 401(k): $97,660). My husband and I have a shared credit card for shared expenses, but we do not share joint savings or investment accounts. We split expenses like our mortgage and house-related utility bills mostly 50/50, but I generally end up paying a bit more since I earn more than he does. Someday, we might combine our finances more but right now, before we have children, this works well for us.
Debt: Mortgage: $203,000
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $2,434
Pronouns: She/Her

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $1,850 (My husband and I split this, with me paying $1,050 and him paying $800. He also pays the $250 condo fee).
Husband’s Student Loans: $300 (I do not have any personal loans, but I am helping my husband pay off his student loans).
Netflix: $15
Max: $16
Peloton: $44
Pilates: $149
Commuter Rail Pass: $250

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