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The Last Dance? Possible TikTok Ban Has Been Signed Into Law

The Last Dance? Possible TikTok Ban Has Been Signed Into Law
The Last Dance? Possible TikTok Ban Has Been Signed Into Law

As the clock ticks down, TikTok faces a real threat of being banned in the U.S., with legislation already signed into law. Jessi Healey says this battle isn’t just about an app but about the larger implications of social media, censorship and how we engage online in times of digital scrutiny.

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This time, the TikTok ban is real. Well, mostly real. 

The app known for dancing trends and attracting Generation Z has been threatened with a ban several times now, with a resolution always emerging before an actual ban occurred. While that is still an option this time, the threat of a ban is real. Legislation has passed with an overwhelming majority in Congress, and President Biden has already signed it.


As in the past, concerns about the app and its data in relation to the Chinese government are the reasons cited for the legislation. The U.S. is demanding TikTok divest from its parent company, ByteDance, since it is a company based in China, and the U.S. government is concerned that China will have access to the data of its citizens. Most of TikTok has already divested from its ties to China.

What remains is the portion of the company that engineers and controls the platform’s algorithm, which determines what content users see on the app. If TikTok doesn’t comply within 12 months, it will be banned in the U.S. 

TikTok has already reaffirmed that it does not intend to sell, that it will fight this ban in the U.S. courts, and that it feels the Constitution is on its side, per the video that TikTok CEO Shou Chew shared immediately following the news of the bill being signed. 

@tiktokResponse to TikTok Ban Bill♬ original sound  – TikTok

As anyone following real estate news knows, once a lawsuit is filed, any action will be halted until the court decides. Like recent real estate legal suits, this is likely to be a long, drawn-out legal process. So, for now, TikTok won’t be going anywhere fast. 

What does this mean for you?

If you are on TikTok: Branch out

If you’re one of the many real estate agents using TikTok for your business, the good news is that even if the app is fully banned in the U.S., you have time before that happens. The legislation is giving the company 12 months to divest, so it’ll be at least that long until a ban would actually take effect in any meaningful way. 

It’s always wise to have your social media presence diversified, and this is a great reminder of why that is so important. Anything can happen on a platform — outages, bans, or accounts getting hacked or deleted.

Explore similar platforms

If you’re active on TikTok, consider expanding to Instagram and YouTube. Both platforms support short and long-form videos, and many TikTok users are also active on these sites.

Use scheduling tools

Managing multiple platforms can be overwhelming. Utilize scheduling tools like Buffer, Hootsuite or Loomly to efficiently manage your social media. These tools aren’t free, but they are reasonably priced and can greatly simplify posting across different platforms without repetitive content.

Direct people to your links

Use a tool like LinkTree, ShortStack, or in your profile. These tools help followers easily find all your online platforms and are great for promoting your website, blog, or newsletter on platforms like Instagram where you can’t share links in posts.

(For more on how to diversify your social media presence, read: Protect yourself from a TikTok ban: Diversify your social media) 

If you have been considering getting on TikTok: Take the leap now

It’s hard to get publicity like this ban will be getting now, and it’s sure to draw many more eyeballs to TikTok’s For You page. So, if you’ve considered adding TikTok to your social media presence portfolio, now is a great time.

Chances are some sort of resolution will be found, and the app will continue to be used in the U.S., so you will have taken advantage of a great time to join the growing pool of TikTok creators.

Be sure to include a link to your website or another source where your followers can easily find you, just in case the ban becomes a reality.    

For everyone: Consider the implications

Social media is a powerful tool for so much more than entertainment. TikTok may have become known as a dancing music app for kids, but it has grown into a vibrant community, particularly for small businesses and influencers who earn their living through the app.

For more than 7 million businesses, and the U.S. economy as a whole, banning the app, which helps to support more than $24 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) and more than 224,000 American jobs, could have a devastating effect.  

It may be too late to share your thoughts about this legislation with your congressional representatives, but this is not likely the last time the topic of the government exerting control over a social media platform comes to a vote. Whatever your thoughts and feelings are, let your representatives know. Visit

Jessi Healey is a freelance writer and social media manager specializing in real estate. Find her on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Threads.

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