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Tom Hanks Saved a Classic Scene From Forrest Gump

Tom Hanks Saved a Classic Scene From Forrest Gump

One of the most iconic moments from “Forrest Gump” comes more than halfway through the film, when a heartbroken Forrest starts running … and running … and running. According to the film, Forrest spends three years running non-stop across the country. And then one day, he just stops and goes back home. It’s a pivotal moment, and a payoff to an early sequence that showcases how fast Forrest runs. But it almost didn’t make it into the movie for budgetary reasons. While speaking with Yahoo Movies, Tom Hanks revealed that he had to step in to help finance the sequence. 

According to Hanks, “[t]he studio was one day away from pulling the plug.” Director Robert Zemeckis then came to Hanks and proposed that he and Hanks split the cost of the big running sequence. Hanks agreed, adding: “And we were 48 hours away from it being shut down. So I’m glad that worked out.” In hindsight, it sound crazy that the studio (Paramount in this case) was on the verge of shutting down such a memorable sequence, but of course, they probably weren’t predicting that “Forrest Gump” would go on to become such a massive box office hit and Oscar winner. 

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