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Tower Hamlets has the most energy efficient homes

Tower Hamlets has the most energy efficient homes
Tower Hamlets has the most energy efficient homes

The London area of Tower Hamlets has the highest amount of energy-efficient homes in England, a study by Enviro Homes Renewables has revealed.

The data studied showed that in 2022, 76.11% of homes in the area had an EPC band ‘C’ or above, which is the highest in England by over 0.10%.

Coming in second is the City of London area with 62.74% homes above an EPC C; while Southwark is third, at 62.07%.

Outside London the most energy efficient areas is Salford, where 62.04% of homes are above C.

Ross Jones, director of Enviro Homes Renewables, said: “While there are many ways you can save money on energy for your home, having a low energy efficiency rating can make this very difficult from the start, and costs will add up, and with the current cost of living this can be a serious problem.

“However, if you don’t live in one of these areas, you can improve your EPC rating by installing insulation, changing your lighting, replacing your boiler, and more.”

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