
Travel Helps Reduce Signs of Aging and Keeps You Healthy, New Study Says

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of exploring new places. Whether you choose to stay close to home and walk the streets of a new-to-you town or stamp your passport on the way to some far-flung location, travel is on nearly everyone’s personal bucket list. And now, there’s proof that it does more than just fill your camera roll with memories. According to a new research paper from researchers at Edith Cowan University, there’s scientifically backed evidence that positive travel could experiences could be your best defense against signs of aging, both physically and mentally.

How Does Traveling Reduce Signs of Aging?

It probably comes as no surprise that travel can act as a serious mood booster—after all, many of us have felt the euphoria that comes from exploring a new place, finding the perfect roadside lobster roll, or cozying up in a quaint inn. However, according to the researchers at ECU, stepping out of your routine and experiencing new cultures can also lead to noticeable improvements in mental clarity and emotional health. Here are some of the major benefits.

Provides Mental Stimulation

When you travel, you’re not just collecting souvenirs; you’re also engaging your brain in fresh experiences, in turn giving it mental stimulation that can help enhance cognitive function and even fend off the cognitive decline that often comes with aging.

Encourages Physical Activity

That’s not the only perk of hitting the road (or skies), though. Physically, travel can encourage you to be more active even outside of your regular workout routine, whether it’s indulging in a mid-day hike, wandering through a vibrant market, or taking a leisurely stroll along the beach. Swapping your desk time for a more active vacation lifestyle helps to keep your body moving, which is crucial for maintaining strength and mobility as you grow older.

Gives You Energy

The excitement of a new adventure (and a new backdrop) can give your energy levels a natural boost, making you feel more youthful and vibrant.

Reduces Stress

Beyond the physical benefits travel can provide, the researchers at ECU also found a significant impact on stress reduction and adaptability. Getting away from the grind of everyday life (think work responsibilities, house care, and after-school activities) allows you to relax, recharge, and break free from the pressure that comes with, well, adulthood.

Improves Resilience

By exposing you to novel environments or situations, travel can also stimulate what researchers call your stress response, essentially training your body to be more adaptive and resilient against stressful situations and the subsequent signs of aging.

All that said, a life of travel isn’t feasible for many of us—and luckily, you can still achieve some of the touted benefits without blowing through your vacation days. Instead of booking a month-long excursion across the globe, start small by planning a weekend getaway or a day trip to a nearby town. Even a weekend spent embracing the joy of discovering new environments, foods, and people can give you a taste of that travel magic.

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