
7 Quick Ways to Perk Yourself Up and Beat the Afternoon Crash

Let’s pretend it’s 2 p.m. for a moment…it doesn’t matter if you’re chugging along at work or running a few last-minute errands: You suddenly start to feel exhausted. You clocked eight good hours of sleep the night before, had your morning caffeine fix, and didn’t run a marathon today. So why are you ready to stop what you’re doing and take a nap? It’s called a mid-afternoon slump, and it’s a familiar occurrence for most people. We asked experts why this happens and what we can do about it. Check out these surprisingly simple ways to wake yourself up when you’re feeling a little tired in the middle of the day.

  • Marvin Nixon, MS, NBC-HWC, certified health and wellness coach
  • Amber O’Brien, MD
  • Charissa Chamorro, PhD, assistant clinical professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City
  • Kim Rose, RDN, CDCES, CNSC

Why the Afternoon Slump Happens

“The mid-afternoon slump is common for many people and is due to our natural circadian rhythm,” explains Marvin Nixon, MS, NBC-HWC, certified health and wellness coach. “The common circadian cycle has the body increasing energy from right before we wake up (that’s what wakes us naturally), and then there’s the first peak at late morning. The cycle then begins to dip, and generally between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., we hit a slump until our energy naturally rises again to a secondary peak early in the evening. After this secondary peak, our bodies start to give way to ‘sleep pressure’ soon after dark.”

Tips to Stay Awake

Laugh Out Loud

Whether your morning was packed with deadlines or something didn’t go according to plan, it’s safe to say that your day-to-day routine is filled with a series of tiny stresses. That can be exhausting—literally. If you want to avoid that mid-afternoon slump, try sneaking a comedic moment into your day.

“Laughing decreases the levels of cortisol (aka [your] stress hormone), stretches your muscles, improves blood pressure, and makes breathing better,” says Amber O’Brien, MD. “[It] all collectively helps bring back your energy and beat the afternoon slump.”

Get Some Light

Environment significantly affects your energy levels, says Charissa Chamorro, PhD, assistant clinical professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “You can use light strategically to increase your energy,” she says. Around mid-day, try to get some light either by going outside if you can or by standing near a window.

Stretch Your Body

Sometimes getting up and moving is exactly the thing you need to kick your energy levels into high gear. According to Dr. O’Brien, our brain and muscles go into a rest position when we’re sleeping, and this relaxed state can make a major comeback in the afternoon.

“In order to feel fresh and energized, you need to circulate blood to your brain and body’s muscles,” Dr. O’Brien explains. “While stretching, the blood actively circulates to your brain and muscles of the body, which as a result, releases tension and makes you feel energized and well-prepared for the rest of the day.”

Try some energizing yoga, do a quick stretching routine, or even try to squeeze in a weekly workout (if possible with your schedule, of course). “Just a few minutes of stretching can help you to stay awake and alert, and it can reduce your daily consumption of caffeine,” she adds.

Get Some Fresh Air

We know what you’re thinking: While stretching sounds like a great idea if you’re home, you might feel a little awkward getting active in public or at the office. Instead, consider going for a walk outside.

“Nature restores your energy and focus and helps you to get rid of afternoon laziness,” O’Brien says. “Engaging your body in physical activity such as walking, while seeing the natural surroundings, refreshes your mood and lifts your energy levels significantly.”

Plus, spending some time in Mother Nature can give you a much-needed dose of vitamin D. Our bodies produce sleep-inducing melatonin that naturally increases all day, especially after the sun goes down—or if you’re not getting enough sunlight during the day. “To reduce the production of melatonin, seek the sunlight for a few minutes to boost your vitamin D levels so you won’t feel as sleepy.”

Connect With Others

“Social interactions can be incredibly energizing, especially if you are working alone,” Dr. Chamorro says. If you work at home, consider scheduling a 15-minute chat in the afternoon with a colleague, friend, or family member who may be available. Or if you work in an office, grab a co-worker for a little social break.

Take a Break

The mid-day crash is physical as well as mental, explains Dr. Chamorro. She recommends taking a little mindfulness break, which can help give you clarity when you’re tired. Put down your phone, look away from your screen, then try a box breath: breathe in for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds, and hold again for four seconds. “This activates your parasympathetic nervous system which can induce a sense of calmness and clarity,” Dr. Chamorro says.

Eat Whole Grains for Lunch

Ever wonder why your energy levels drop on some afternoons but not on others? The answer might be lurking inside your lunch box. “Eating a heavy lunch can intensify the mid-afternoon slump,” explains Kim Rose, RDN, CDCES, CNSC. “Refined carbohydrates, which are found in white bread, rice, and pasta, can spike your blood sugar levels. Since refined carbs have minimal fiber they may also send your blood sugar levels crashing.”

Instead, trade your refined carbohydrates for healthy whole grains, such as wild rice, oats, sprouted grain bread, farro, or quinoa. “Whole grains are full of fiber, which can help negate the blood sugar crashes and leave you feeling full for a longer period of time,” she says.

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