
Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry | Spain

The climate emergency poses a “real risk” to Spain’s traditional mass tourist model as rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves…

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भीषण गर्मी में नींद की कमी से होता है नुकसान गर्भवती महिलाओं, नवजात शिशुओं को

जलवायु परिवर्तन ने दुनिया के उन क्षेत्रों में गर्भावस्था और बच्चे पैदा करना और भी ज़्यादा मुश्किल बना दिया है…

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Miliband says Labour will honour pledge of £11.6bn in overseas climate aid | Environment

Labour will honour a pledge of £11.6bn in overseas aid for the climate crisis, the energy secretary, Ed Miliband, told…

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Asphalt burns, delirium, body bags: extreme heat overwhelms ERs across US | Extreme heat

In his 40 years in the emergency room, David Sklar can think of three moments in his career when he…

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Alberta premier fights tears over Canada wildfires despite climate crisis denial | Canada

When Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta, began her grim update about the wildfire damage to Jasper, the famed mountain resort…

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Northern Scotland’s Flow Country becomes world heritage site | Scotland

The Flow Country, a vast and unspoiled blanket bog that carpets the far north of Scotland, has been made a…

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Your food is more expensive – is it driven by US corporate profits? | Inflation

As inflation shot to its peak around mid-2022, Chipotle’s prices also rose, pushing up what customers paid for burritos and…

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Drax Group to give shareholders £300m windfall as profits rise | Drax

The owner of the Drax power plant in North Yorkshire will give shareholders a £300m windfall after a sharp rise…

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How to protect your pets during a heat wave » Yale Climate Connections

Extreme heat is not just a threat to people. It can also be dangerous for pets. And to stay safe…

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He had his dream career. But was it good for the climate?  » Yale Climate Connections

Some kids watch a professional soccer game and dream of becoming a pro athlete when they grow up. Felipe Morales…

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