Food & Drink
9 Heavy-Hitting Game-Day Snacks for Maximum Sustenance Through Too-Close-for-Comfort Matchups
Toss-ups are tough to prep for. Are your guests going to want to set off fireworks, or set the house on fire? When teams or athletes are evenly matched, one of the only things you can be sure of is high-pressure viewing—overtime, penalty kicks, Game Seven.
Fortunately, nailbiters are a fine time to try soothing yourself through repetitive actions—for example, bringing a gravy-drenched French fry to your mouth. Plus, you’ll need the fuel. You may not be on the field, but you’ll definitely be sweating.
When the odds are even, tame your guests’ game-day stress with filling, large-format dishes. This is a menu that’s even more comforting than hiding inside your sweatshirt hood and pulling the strings.
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