
Why Ethical AI Must Be A Leadership Priority

42 percent of companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) and an additional 40 percent are exploring uses, reports IBM. To underestimate AI value and delay adoption may be an existential risk for many organizations. Equally, embracing it too quickly without adequate attention paid to matters such as fairness, privacy, and accountability risks unpredictable negative consequences. Rather than an afterthought, the journey to broad AI adoption must include ethical AI: the implementation and management of AI solutions that prioritize responsible uses and reduced risks for all stakeholders.

Preparing For Revolutionary Change

The rapid progress of AI and its transformational impact on all aspects of business operations is nothing short of revolutionary. The remarkable speed at which AI is developing has all the characteristics of a change without historic parallel. Much like recent transformational technologies such as the Internet and smartphones, AI will join and perhaps outpace them as a new context for reinvention.

There’s a lot to be excited about, but poor moves early in any adoption have the potential to derail efforts or worse still, be a destructive force both to the organization and society. Producing output with absent or misguided rules, for example, can produce reputational risks and embarrassing results.

Specifically, generative AI relies heavily on vast quantities of historical data harvested from across the public Web and other accessible repositories. This data coupled with algorithms shapes what AI produces. If either one or both are mismanaged, the negative consequences are all too real.

Suddenly good intentions produce novel and unintended issues of fairness, discrimination, trust, privacy, transparency, and more. AI raises complex questions about its appropriate use with many still largely unanswered. To proactively mitigate unwanted outcomes including legal risks requires an ethical approach to AI.

The Role Of Ethical AI

The purpose of ethical AI is to support the responsible design and development of AI solutions that protect individuals, groups, and society, from harm. To succeed requires a combination of efforts that include computer science, policy implementation, and governance. Importantly, it must be a leadership priority.

Organizations will be best served by treating ethical AI not as a nice-to-have, but rather, an essential part of their AI efforts. Diligence can help protect the business, enable greater confidence in deployments, and assist with compliance with existing or future requirements. In fact, an increasing volume of national and international laws and regulations will make aspects of ethical AI required for organizations. Business leaders must become aware of their current obligations and be on top of developments as they emerge.

Steps Organizations Can Take Now

For organizations just beginning their AI journey, knowing where to begin with ethical AI can seem overwhelming. It can be perceived as an unwelcome effort that will slow or even disincentivize innovation. Despite these concerns, the benefits of ethical AI will eventually easily outweigh them.

It’s never too soon to begin implementing an approach to ethical AI and that includes those well into their AI developments and deployments. Here are three ways that all types of businesses can begin to increase their responsible use of AI.

  1. Establish AI principles and standards: Identify what is most important to the organization, customers, products, and services, and use those to guide decisions.
  2. Implement AI policies and procedures: Clearly outline how the organization will implement and enforce its principles and standards.
  3. Create an AI governance capacity: Define how the organization will provide ongoing oversight for AI activities including monitoring efforts, providing training, and continuous improvement.

For too many, implementing ethical AI may not be a top-of-mind priority today, but it must become one. Leaders need to be convinced that doing the right thing with AI will get the right outcomes.

Creating and implementing a viable approach to ethical AI offers the best chance of avoiding significant issues. Without ethical AI, organizations may think they are moving in the fast lane only to wake up and find they are operating in the wrong lane.

Special thanks to Noah benShea for his contributions to this article.

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