
The First Descendant developer responds to claims its icons are too similar to those in Destiny 2

Nexon has responded to claims the iconography of The First Descendant is strikingly similar to icons found in Destiny 2.

Earlier this week, players identified a surprising number of similarities between the icons and weapons used in the new free-to-play sci-fi shooter The First Descendant and Destiny 2.

The First Descendant – Official Freyna Character Gameplay Trailer.Watch on YouTube

Responding to Forbes, which initially raised the issue, publisher Nexon said it is “taking the concerns raised seriously” and will “ensure that the imagery that may appear similar [to Destiny 2] clearly reflects the unique identity of [its] game”.

“The First Descendant, as a looter shooter game, was developed with a deep affection and respect for other games in the genre,” Nexon said in a statement.

“Destiny 2, being a globally renowned looter shooter game, is also personally admired and respected by the team, and it has served as an inspiration during the development process.

“We have taken the concerns raised seriously and decided to make adjustments to ensure that the imagery that may appear similar clearly reflects the unique identity of our game. We will continue to improve the game for fans of the looter shooter genre.”

The First Descendant is an all-new, free-to-play looter shooter wherein you must “accept your calling […] and fight against invaders for the survival of humanity”.

Featuring character growth, dynamic battles, “colossal” boss battles, and customisation, The First Descendant is available now on PC via Steam, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and last-gen consoles.

Destiny 2 developer Bungie recently disabled rewards generated in private Crucible matches because of “an issue”.

Whilst the studio stopped short of revealing what, exactly, that issue was, Destiny 2 players believed it was connected to a glitch that enabled players to farm a whole host of items and consumables in private matches, even if they’re away from their consoles/PCs.

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