The best DnD deals in the DM Guild winter sale

If you’re looking for the next campaign to run for your Dungeons & Dragons campaign, look no further. Whether you play online or in person, the DM’s Guild is having their annual winter sale, marking down the cost of some of the most iconic D&D 5e settings and adventures — alongside some of the online marketplace’s best fan-made third party content. And with DM’s Guild’s sibling site Roll20, you can start playing your new adventure in the virtual tabletop (or its subsequent Discord integration) right away.
Among the titles are some of D&D’s most popular settings in their fifth edition form. The Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron and Eberron: Rising from the Last War bring Keith Baker war-torn continent of Khorvaire to a new generation of players more than twenty years after its debut. Explore the gothic horror land of Ravenloft and face off against one of D&D’s most legendary villains with Curse of Strahd. Face down the horrors of the Forgotten Realms in the pulp-noir Tomb of Annihilation and battle the five-headed Tiamat in Tyranny of Dragons.
While the average sale price of the official Wizards of the Coast titles runs anywhere from $15-$25 dollars, the third party content hosted on DM’s Guild is just as good (if a little less content) for a fraction of the price. Made with the official System Reference Document and special permission from the D&D publisher, all third party content on the DM’s guild can be set within the canonical multiverse of Dungeons & Dragons — but they get to have a little fun with it in a way official supplements can’t. Among my favorite of these fan-made designs are Dohwar Heist, a Spelljammer Dungeoncraft adventure about a cartel of penguins, and Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese, a short adventure that drops players into the chaos of Waterdeep’s inaugural Cheese Competition.
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