
Three Dangers Of Overconfident And Excessively Optimistic Leaders

According to new research out of HEC Paris, 83% of business decisions are based on a very optimistic assessment of leaders’ own attitudes, which is the result of their own beliefs and an overestimation of what the most likely outcome is going to be. People tend to be overconfident in their abilities to handle unknown situations, which has implications for companies navigating an uncertain environment. For example, imagine a CEO who is considering the acquisition of another business and is faced with ambiguity and uncertainty — overconfidence can lead him or her to the wrong decision.

One of the study’s authors, Dr. Mohammed Abdellaoui, says, “You can think of overconfidence like overestimation; namely, this occurs when an individual overestimates their own abilities relative to a benchmark. You need to have a benchmark to have overconfidence.”

Another type of overconfidence in the workplace is overplacement. “This is where you think of yourself as better than others in terms of performance and in terms of other qualities,” says Abdellaoui.

Are some people more likely to be overconfident than others?

There’s likely a combination of ego and optimism that drives some to be more overconfident than others, though Abdellaoui says there’s currently no benchmark for attitude. He does, however, give the following parameters. “When it comes to betting on oneself, people tend to be more optimistic. We find that people much prefer to bet on themselves rather than on the unknown.” This makes sense as people find comfort in the familiar.

But there’s another factor at play, says Abdellaoui. “Willingness to bet on some uncertain event depends on my belief regarding the event and my attitude to the kind of uncertainty it is. And if it turns out that someone is betting on their own performance, especially if they are a leader at a big company, then they’re going to be more optimistic.”

What are the dangers of overconfidence?

“Overconfidence is a bias regarding uncertainty,” says Abdellaoui. In an uncertain situation where one should be carefully considering all information, overconfident people can be too conservative; they’re more likely to stick to a prior belief rather than consider new information. “You’re selecting the information that is consistent with your previous fundamental beliefs,” says Abdellaoui.

“Decision-makers in organizations should behave like scientists when it comes to uncertainty,” he says — but they often don’t. “Namely, they should not prefer one piece of information as compared to another,” as doing so can lead to poor decisions. But that’s much easier said than done. “Uncertainty is not natural to handle,” says Abdellaoui. So, overconfidence can be a mental shortcut of sorts.

The second consequence of overconfident leaders is that it can drive leaders to take unnecessary risks. This can lead to entrepreneurial failure, failed product launches, undesirable business takeovers, and more. A prime example of overconfidence driving leaders to take unnecessary risks is the downfall of Theranos. They took the risk of lying to investors because their confidence in their ability to eventually deliver was so high.

Finally, another consequence of overconfidence is that it narrows one’s perspective and viewpoint. After all, why consider other voices if one has already decided on a course of action? Unfortunately, this opinion is often to the detriment of new ideas and innovation.

Having an open mind can combat overconfidence

“Leaders have to take into account that sticking with their beliefs could end up with them facing unnecessary risks that lead to negative outcomes,” says Abdellaoui. For example, let’s consider a scenario where new top executives or a board come into a business. Stubbornly sticking with their beliefs about management tactics and metrics that may have worked for them before can lead them to miss the real indicators of what makes a business special — and thus lead them to make decisions that destroy a company’s unique selling proposition.

“Being open-minded enough to learn and take into account objective data from the outside is important,” Abdellaoui advises.

Finding the right level of confidence

“To be frank, there’s no way to find the right level of confidence,” says Abdellaoui. But he suggests turning the question around and instead asking: what can you do to protect against overconfidence…without stifling it? After all, some overconfidence isn’t necessarily a bad thing in the right context — one needs a healthy dose of overconfidence to be a trailblazer or step out on their own to start a business.

The key step is to know some overconfidence is likely to be part of the equation so you can proactively manage for it. Confidence in the right amount and at the right time is a bonus and helps move us out of the realm of imposter syndrome. But to temper the instinct into overconfidence, Abdellaoui has this advice. “Distinguish first what comes from your beliefs, and what comes from your attitudes. This gives you an idea if you’re more overconfident than you should be.”

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