Real Estate

A SIMPLE Plan That Can Change Your Life And Business Forever

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Times of disruption provide a unique opportunity for agents to create life-altering change for their businesses. Most people understand that a few bad decisions and careless actions today can negatively impact their future. But they often forget that the reverse is true as well. Good decisions and purposeful actions today can positively alter their future as well.

However, there is a process, and this article breaks down the SIMPLE steps you can take to build the business of your dreams.

S: Sick and tired of  being sick and tired

There are two emotions that lead to change. The first can happen when you get sick and tired of the way your business and life are going. Maybe your business has stalled or even been declining. You might be burnt out and not sure if you even want to continue in this business.

This is the emotion that leads to agents either leaving the business or coming to the realization that to get different results they must do different things. If you decide to push through and make a change, the first step is to choose your pain. Will the pain of regret, or not doing what needs to be done to regain your momentum, be worse than the pain you are currently facing by being sick and tired of your current situation?

This change starts by identifying the actions in your business that you know need to be done, but that you have been avoiding. These could include making more phone calls, investing in marketing, shooting video content or any number of activities agents avoid doing despite knowing they will help their business. Whatever it might be for you, coming to a place where you will fight through the short-term uncomfortableness to change your business and life is one of two ways your mindset can change and lead to success.

I: Inspiration

The second factor that can lead to change is when you are inspired by an outside force to strive for something better. This can come through a speaker, a video or by spending time with someone who is truly inspirational. This rarely is a one-time event.

Inspiration must be consistent and sustainable to create true change, but it is one of the most powerful emotions for those desiring more.

Once you realize you need to change, whether through being sick and tired or through inspiration, the next step is to move into the practical activities and specific actions you can focus on to regain the momentum you desire.

M: Create a movement

People want to be a part of something that is bigger than themselves. If you’re a broker or manager this means creating a movement that agents want to be a part of.

By creating an aspirational culture, you will attract the agents you’re looking to build your business with. If you’re an agent, create a movement where buyers and sellers desire to work with you.

Whether you are a broker, manager or an agent, a movement in your business can be created by following my three C’s of movement creation.

Create community

People are drawn to community. This can be done in a company via a collaborative culture or developing a culture where the agents are proud to be associated with the company.

Agents can do this through client appreciation events, by donating to local charities in honor of their clients or any number of additional community activities that bring the agent’s clients together. The key is to create a community people are proud to be associated with.

Be the connector

Whether it be connecting your buyers with local business owners, homeowners with handymen, landscapers or any other needed services, your ability to be the resource and connector is invaluable. If you are the person who connects your agents or clients with the people they need, others will naturally be drawn to you and your business.

Captivate your ideal client

The best way to captivate your ideal client is to provide them with information and guidance in a unique way that attracts them to you. Be specific in your marketing by calling out your ideal client.

Here are a few examples:

  • If you’re a first-time homebuyer wondering about what price home you can qualify to buy, this video is for you.
  • If you’re thinking about selling your home, this video shares the three biggest mistakes most homeowners make and how to avoid them. 
  • If you’re an investor who has been looking for the best income-producing property in [your city], this video is for you.

When you create content that educates and entertains your ideal client, they will find you.

P: Focus on people and your purpose

To change your life, you must be focused on other people and be anchored in a higher purpose. Let me start with the focus on the people portion. Dreams come true through the assistance of or in service to other people and, in most cases, both.

I touched on captivating your ideal client in the previous section, but understanding who your ideal client is leads to clarity in your messaging. It provides an understanding of what your marketing should be focused on and where it should be distributed. Become obsessed with servicing your ideal clients, and you will never lack for business.

The second group of people to focus on are the employees and service provider partners that can assist you in providing world-class service to your ideal clients. Building a mutually beneficial lender relationship, inspector and insurance provider is a great way to build a trusted group of people you can grow alongside.

From an employee standpoint, transaction coordinators, personal assistants or client care coordinators provide leverage for you to be able to serve more people at an even higher level.

The reason focusing on your purpose is so important is that this business will test you. There will be disappointments and difficult transactions.

The key is to focus on the true reason you are in this business. Maybe it’s a better lifestyle for your family, to make more money or even, in some cases, to prove someone wrong that doubted you in the past. Whatever it is for you, your ability to stay focused on your purpose will enable you to overcome any obstacles this business throws at you.

L: Learn continuously

When you decide to become the most consistent student in your market, it’s only a matter of time before your business grows. Learning how to become a better negotiator, marketer or communicator increases your value to clients and, in turn, will lead to more business.

E: Execution

Execution is the key to everything. You can learn everything you want to learn, and you can focus on your purpose as much as possible, but until you execute, nothing happens. For things to change, there will have to be a season of hard work. To create momentum and change in your life, there will be a season of struggle. But it will be worth it.

This is the time and opportunity for you to change your future. Whether your change is being initiated via pain or inspiration, this is the season for you to move from the level you are currently on to the level you were destined to reach. Make decisions, and take action now in a way that your future self will thank you.

Jimmy Burgess is the CEO for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Beach Properties of Florida in Northwest Florida. Connect with him on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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