
Aerosmith Might Still Have A Future, According To Bassist Tom Hamilton

Earlier this month, Aerosmith made the shocking announcement that they were officially canceling their farewell tour and retiring from touring altogether. As one of the most influential and popularized rock groups in history, the announcement was met with an outpouring of love and appreciation for the rock titans, although it was certainly a bittersweet moment. In Aerosmith’s initial statement regarding the tour cancelation and their retirement from touring, the band only made clear they were retiring “from the touring stage” with no mention about any future plans or what the future would hold.

That being said, it’s more than likely that Aerosmith could be back in some form. A month prior to the Aerosmith’s announcement, Guitarist Joe Perry commented on the possibility of new Aerosmith music stating, “As for Aerosmith, I don’t know. We’ll see. There’s definitely a possibility, but at the minute we’re looking at the set for the tour and the songs we can play.”

All this is to say that the future is an open book as far as possibilities go for the band. Beyond new music, maybe there’s a chance for Aerosmith to return to the stage, albeit not the “touring stage.” The band only recently had a residency in Las Vegas back in 2019, so they’re not uncustomed to one off gigs. However, Aerosmith performing live again isn’t something fans should hold their breath waiting for. Given the extent to which Steven Tyler’s vocal injury has already impacted the band at this point, it would only be wise if the band chose to refrain from any kind of live performance, and possibly forever.

As far as recording new music though, maybe that’s something more plausible for the band. Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton recently did an email interview with Charlie Kendall’s Metalshop. Hamilton went into further detail regarding Tyler’s injury and the events that have since followed. “First let me start by clearing up some information on Steven’s injury. We were playing the third show of our ‘Peace Out’ tour last September. During the third song of the set, Steven had a fall that resulted in a fracture to his larynx. Somehow he finished the show. Don’t ask me how. It’s a testament to his strength and desire to give the people what they came for,” Hamilton wrote.

“It wasn’t a case of him blowing his throat out by doing something wrong. He has been healing well and working his ass off to get ready to go back out on the road but it just wasn’t possible. The decision was made by the team which includes the band and our dedicated management… We don’t know what the future holds but it won’t include touring.” When asked if the band had considered a replacement vocalist for the tour, Hamilton replied, “There’s been no talk at all about going on the road with another singer. I can’t imagine it. I’m sure all of us have music in our future and it will manifest itself in ways that we haven’t planned yet. I’ve been playing in a band with some good friends. We have a bunch of really good songs and we hope to be putting them out soon and hopefully doing some gigs.”

Hamilton’s comments seem to indicate that it’s likely there’s still a future for Aerosmith, though it’s uncertain what that future will look like. Whether it’s the band getting together for a final farewell recording session, a final live reunion show, or new music altogether, it remains unclear. Regardless of what happens, Aerosmith deciding to end their touring legacy seems like it was the best decision. Who knows what could have happened had the band continued the tour, particularly with Tyler’s injury. Instead, the band went out like rock legends, and their final performance was one that showcased them as masters of rock n’ roll like the world has come know them by.

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