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Aio? Boyfriend sending private pics of me

Am I overreacting? My boyfriend mentioned casually the other day that he sent a picture of me walking around his apartment in a thong to his friend group chat. This isn’t the first time he has done this and I’m not sure what the point is? He is in his mid thirties and I’m in my late twenties. I feel super violated and it doesn’t seem like he cares at all by his responses. And I’m not really buying the “I want to show you off” line. To me this seems like immature frat bros bragging about the girls they sleep with. I’ve never even met his friends and now I don’t want to. Like they’ve seen me naked when I never consented to them seeing me in an intimate way. It also makes me think my boyfriend doesn’t even love me or value me because who would willing do that so nonchalantly?

submitted by /u/H3yellowjackets to r/AmIOverreacting

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