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AIO: I’m upset my gf referred to me as her “friend”

AIO: I’m upset my gf referred to me as her “friend”

My girlfriend referred to me as her ‘friend’. Am I overreacting?

Yesterday, my long distance girlfriend called me as is our usual Thursday evening plan. She was on top of a mountain for either a hike or run training with a group. Someone asked who she was calling, and she said, “my friend in Connecticut”

I feel a bit uncomfortable and upset that she did not refer to me as her boyfriend. In my mind, I wouldn’t refer to her as my “friend” unless I was no longer interested in a relationship with her. Am I overreacting? Or is this a valid concern?

We’ve had some struggles recently with me upset that I’m getting less than the bare minimum in terms of communication and affection. I’ve brought this up and feel as though it is immediately turned on me every time. I’m not sure what to do about this situation.

Texts between us about the situation attached

submitted by /u/Most_Somewhere_6849 to r/AmIOverreacting

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