
‘Bulls of Blood’ puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

“Bulls of Blood” is an optional mystery puzzle you can find in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle during “The Stolen Cat Mummy.” It’s very easy to miss, but you can find it in the Castel Sant’Angelo on your way to meet Father Antonio.

Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guide will show you where to find the secret passage and how to solve “Bulls of Blood” puzzle.

How to start ‘Bulls of Blood’

On your way to meet Father Antonio at the village steps, you’ll have to make your way through the Castel Sant’Angelo fortress. After a bit of sneaking, a lot of punching fascists, and some climbing, you’ll complete the “reach the top of the castello” objective and start a new one, “get to Passetto di Borgo.”

Shortly after, you’ll find yourself in the Courtyard of the Angel. After you deal with the patrolling Blackshirts, head to the first door on the right.

Inside, you’ll Russo’s Note on the desk. It mentions “the passage” next to a fireplace and will add the ‘Bulls of Blood’ mystery to your journal.

‘Bulls of Blood’ puzzle solution

From where you picked up the note (facing away from the fireplace), head north and through the hallway on the right side of the room.

Head straight through the next room — there’s nothing to find there — and you’ll be at the puzzle. Look at the desk on the right for some clues.

You’ll find an Angel Courtyard Map (spoiler: it points you to exactly where you’re standing), and a Red Bulls Card (which is your hint to solving the puzzle) along with some lira.

From that desk, look to your right to find the “Bulls of Blood” puzzle. The two bull paintings on the wall are what you have to interact with. The Red Bulls Card shows the two red bulls facing each other, so interact with each painting and rotate them until the red bulls are on top.

Step into the secret passage to find Cesare Borgia’s Letter. Head up the stairs and throw the switch on the wall to open a gate and earn your 100 Adventure Points.

There’s a chest ahead of you with some more lira inside. To the left, you’ll find another switch that opens another gate that returns you to the main path.

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