
Canada’s New Greenwashing Law Will Impact U.S. Companies’ Climate Marketing

In an effort to combat greenwashing, the Canadian government has amended the Competition Act, adding a new provision that regulates environmental claims in marketing materials. The full impacts of the law are yet to be realized. However, some companies in Canada are being overly cautious and taking drastic actions to not be in violation, including scrubbing all content from their websites and social media accounts. For U.S. companies who do business in Canada, this creates a new legal liability that could result in heavy fines.

As international focus on climate change increased in the wake of the Paris Agreement, there has been a simultaneous increase in pressure on businesses to be environmentally friendly. Companies wishing to capitalize on the demand created marketing materials and sustainability reports showcasing green actions. However, without clear regulation or standards, those claims were broad and able to be made without supporting documentation.

Over the past year, there has been a notable increase in litigation and regulatory action relating to greenwashing, or the exaggeration of climate-friendly and other environmental actions by a company in marketing materials. Historically, this hasn’t mattered. A company highlighting minor environmentally friendly actions to make themselves look better was standard practice.

However, with the global focus on climate change, regulators and climate activists have started to challenge those claims. Companies are being investigated under consumer protection laws and being sued for statements made in marketing materials and sustainability reports. This is happening in jurisdictions around the world, even those without regulations directly aimed at greenwashing. Notably, the EU is currently drafting strict greenwashing legislation that could become the global standard.

New legislation adopted by the Canadian Parliament on June 20 is positioned to regulate environmental claims and prevent greenwashing in Canada. On page 429 of the 546-page Bill C-59, a two-paragraph amendment to the Competition Act drastically increased regulation in this area by classifying environmental claims as within the scope of deceptive marketing practices. (For those wanting to take a direct look at the language, the applicable text is at the end of this column.)

The Competition Act is Canada’s commerce law that regulates trade, mergers, and marketing practices. The act applies to companies that are based in Canada, as well as foreign companies that do business or operate within Canada. Enforcement is through the Competition Bureau, which operates in a similar function as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Penalties can be both civil and criminal.

The amendment addresses claims by businesses relating to “protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change.” Those claims must be substantiated in “accordance with internationally recognized methodology.” In other words, if a company says they are climate friendly in a marketing campaign or on their website, they now have to prove it.

Notably, under the Act, any six residents of Canada over the age of 18 may file for an inquiry with the Competition Bureau. Once the complaint is filed, the language of the Act requires the Commissioner to commence an inquiry.

Climate activists are already taking advantage of that provision, most recently filing a complaint against lululemon athletica inc. The application, filed by, claims that lululemon has engaged in greenwashing by exaggerating climate action as part of its “Be Planet” marketing campaign. The application notes that lululemon’s 2022 Impact Report shows a 100% increase in greenhouse gas emissions since 2020. Additionally, it notes that 60% of the materials used are fossil fuel derived. Although, notes that 99% of the GHG emissions are not directly from the supplier, rather from the value chain and the end user.

Despite the increase, the applicants point to six claims made by lululemon that represent that are taking environmentally friendly steps. The claims include “Our products and actions avoid environmental harm and contribute to restoring a healthy planet” and “By adopting and evolving practices and mindful solutions, we enhance the products we offer and contribute to restoring the environment.”

The complaint also demonstrates how climate activists are using sustainability reports and environmental, social, and governance reports to obtain the necessary data to allege greenwashing. A warning to companies to be diligent in those reports.

Similar complaints were filed against Canadian Gas Association, Enbridge, FortisBC, Pathways Alliance, Shell, and the Sustainable Foresty Initiative. Those complaints were based on an interpretation of the Act that attempted to link environmental claims with deceptive marketing. The new language now directly classifies those claims as deceptive marketing, bringing clear liability to both Canadian based companies and U.S. companies who do business in Canada.

Pathways Alliance, a consortium of Canada’s largest oil sands producers, has received the most attention for their reaction to the new law. The company scrubbed their website and social media. Their website was replaced with a statement that the content was removed due to the changes in Bill C-59, stating: “With uncertainty on how the new law will be interpreted and applied, any clarity the Competition Bureau can provide through specific guidance may help direct our communications approach in the future. For now, we have removed content from our website, social media and other public communications. This is a direct consequence of the new legislation and is not related to our belief in the truth and accuracy of our environmental communications.”

The reaction is not wholly unjustified. Regulation and litigation in this area is going to increase drastically in the next few years. Climate activists have grown notably frustrated with greenwashing and are aggressively using legal resources in an attempt to force compliance. They want companies to make drastic changes to their operations to account for climate-change, not just talk about it.

Unfortunately, in my experience, many companies are not paying attention to the increased liability and are allowing their marketing team to operate without oversight. Even sustainability reports and ESG reports, that are primarily for consumption by investors and fall under stricter regulations, are being drafted by people who do not truly appreciate the risk. That is because this area of law is new and is changing daily.

The new law in Canada will bring additional scrutiny on climate claims. Companies who do business in Canada need to prepare now or risk being the example.

The language in question comes from section 236 (1) of federal Bill C-59. The bill amends Part VII.1 of the Competition Act, that covers deceptive marking practices.

74.01 (1) A person engages in reviewable conduct who, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever,

(a) makes a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect;

(b) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of the performance, efficacy or length of life of a product that is not based on an adequate and proper test thereof, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

The bill states:

Subsection 74.‍01(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following after that paragraph:

(b.‍1) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of a product’s benefits for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental, social and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on an adequate and proper test, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

(b.‍2) makes a representation to the public with respect to the benefits of a business or business activity for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on adequate and proper substantiation in accordance with internationally recognized methodology, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation; or

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