
Celebrating Global Wellness Day 2024, With Founder Belgin Aksoy

Global Wellness Day (GWD) was launched in 2012 at the Richmond Nua Wellness-Spa in Spanaca, Turkey, by Belgin Aksoy, wellness activist and creative director, Richmond Hotels.

I was a speaker at the inaugural event and can attest that even back then, though the event was small, there was excitement about wellness and the idea of Global Wellness Day that translated into a joyous and upbeat celebration. Fast forward 12 years, and Global Wellness Day has expanded into 170 countries and tens of thousands of locations around the globe, impacting the lives of millions of people.

For one day, on the second Saturday of June (June 8 this year), GWD inspires gatherings and activities–all complementary and not-for-profit–that celebrate wellness. Each year, GWD creates a theme, and this year’s focus–#MagentaNature–revolves around the importance of connecting with nature at a time when nature tourism is one of the top drivers in the travel industry. It is the subject of “Nature Positive Travel & Tourism in Action,” a joint report launched on Earth Day 2024 by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (The Alliance).

Participants in GWD range from large, luxury hotel groups such as Accor Hotels, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, IHG Hotels and Resorts to independent destinations, cities and towns all over the globe, driven by Global Wellness Day ambassadors, supporters and volunteers.

Highlights include a Transformational Gong Bath–A Massage for the Soul–with Soundwave Gongs, from June 2 to 8, at Palazzo Fiuggi, an award-winning medical wellness wellness retreat outside Rome. The New Well Festival in Paris will offer yin yoga sessions, therapists of the Resalib network will celebrate the day across the country and Chapitre Six Hotels is set to host transformative events. Participants at Kimpton Grand Roatán Resort and Spa in Honduras can enjoy wake-up yoga, beach body pump class, guided snorkeling, “open your heart” meditation, full moon yoga with medicine sound therapy, and also contribute to coastal ecosystem preservation through a beach clean-up. Celebrations in Japan will feature a beach cleanup with Hotel Ocean, a walking tour of coral cultivation with 35 Coffee, beach yoga with Okinawa Tourist Company, a food recycling program workshop with NPO Food Bank, farm-to-table talks with Farm Nakamura, nature walk with dogs, tree-growing workshop for elementary school students among many others that embrace the theme #MagentaNature. In Whitefish, Montana, The Wave and Collier Concepts will host the Blackfeet Tribe who will share their indigenous and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), bringing ancient wisdom forward.

I spoke with Global Wellness Day founder Belgin Aksoy about what Global Wellness Day means around the world this year.

How did you first become involved in wellness? What inspired you to create GWD?

Until 2004, I believed I had a fairly healthy lifestyle. I was eating well and doing regular exercise. I was living a happy life and thought I had it all. However, in 2004 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to immediately change many things in my life. During radioactive iodine treatment, I was in isolation in a room for nine days. My son was only 17 months old at the time and as a new mother I had to stop breastfeeding. My hormones were all over the place but most importantly I had a lot of time to think while I was all alone in that hospital room.

Wellness was a new thing for me in those days. While I was trying to educate myself on a better lifestyle, I was also looking for answers to questions like how to get rid of radiation or why I got sick. My life and a career change coincided and wellness became the core with the opening of the award-winning Richmond Nua Wellness-Spa, Turkey’s first destination spa.

Between 2004 and 2012, I dedicated myself to personal transformation, emerging healthier than ever before. In 2012, a persistent whisper began echoing in my mind: “Okay Belgin, you now see life differently. What will you do for the world?”

I decided to research the existence of Global Wellness Day. To my surprise, I discovered that no such day existed. Inspired, I created a celebration at our hotel, initially naming it Wellness Day, and chose the second Saturday of June for the event. In 2012, we hosted a modest gathering of 150-200 people at Richmond Nua Wellness-Spa.

The day was filled with physical activities, nutrition workshops, reiki and skincare. At the end of the day, a middle-aged woman said, “I did yoga for the first time today. I always thought yoga was for fit and young people; I tried and enjoyed it very much. From today on I am starting yoga.” I was very happy and I thought, “How one day can change a person’s life?”

Now, with the slogan “One day can change your whole life!” Global Wellness Day is celebrated on the second Saturday of June every year. It is not-for-profit, a social project dedicated to living well with the purpose to ask the question, even if for just one day, “How can I live a healthier and better life?,” to direct the thoughts of both individuals and society towards “living well” and to raise awareness.

Would you elaborate on this year’s theme, #MagentaNature?

Nature has a profound impact on our mental, physical, and emotional health. During the pandemic, many people reconnected with nature as a source of solace and healing. Scientific studies consistently show that spending time in nature reduces stress, enhances mood, and boosts overall well-being. For me, this theme is a call to appreciate and protect our natural environment while integrating nature into our daily wellness practices. It emphasizes the importance of stepping outside, breathing fresh air, and finding peace and balance in the simplicity of nature.

You say GWD is not just a celebration, it’s a call to action. Can you please explain?

Global Wellness Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of wellness in our lives. We encourage people to make simple, practical changes that can have a lasting impact on their health and happiness.

Whether it is committing to regular exercise, eating healthier foods or taking time for mental relaxation, GWD is about inspiring actionable steps towards a better life. I wanted to create simple steps that are attainable for everyone without considering any social or economic background, in order to make wellness a way of life. What is important is that you do not have to implement all of the steps at once, but just incorporate at least a few of them into your daily routine on a regular basis.

GWD 7 Step Manifest

1. Walk for an hour.

2. Drink more water.

3. Don’t use plastic bottles.

4. Eat healthy food.

5. Do a good deed.

6. Have a family dinner with your loved ones.

7. Sleep at 10:00 pm.

How have you seen wellness grow around the globe since you first launched GWD?

People are more informed about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and are actively seeking ways to improve their well-being. There has been a surge in wellness-related activities, from yoga and meditation to holistic therapies and organic nutrition. This global movement towards wellness is not just a trend; it’s becoming an integral part of how people live and prioritize their health.

Meanwhile, the growth of Global Wellness Day has been incredibly heartening. From its humble beginnings in Turkey, it has now reached millions of people across the globe. This expansion signifies a global recognition of the importance of wellness. People are increasingly prioritizing their health and well-being. This growth is a testament to the collective efforts of our dedicated volunteers and ambassadors, and it fills me with hope and gratitude.

What would you like to see happen for the future of wellness?

My ultimate aim for Global Wellness Day is to foster better lifestyles for individuals and societies alike. Importantly, while the day spans just 24 hours, its message is timeless. The day Global Wellness Day gains recognition on the United Nations Official Calendar will mark a personal triumph for me. It will signify a milestone where our collective commitment to well-being becomes a legacy celebrated by generations to come.

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