Real Estate

Conservatives to lose half of homeowner votes on Thursday

The Conservatives are set to lose the vote of nearly half of homeowners in this week’s election, analysis from estate agent Jackston-Stops has revealed.

In 2019’s General Election homeowners accounted for 38% of the Conservative voter base, whilst today this figure sits at just 19%

Instead, the majority (30%) of homeowners are set to vote Labour.

Nick Leeming, chairman of Jackson-Stops, said: “We are observing an interesting shift in the voting patterns of homeowners, with more indicating support for Labour in the upcoming general election.

“A fall in votes driven by homeowners is especially fascinating given the Tory party has historically been known as the party of homeownership. Whether Conservative voters just feel disenchanted more generally, an appetite for change is clearly evident.

“Labour’s commitment to tackling the housing crisis appears to resonate strongly with voters. Indeed, 27% of respondents highlight the delivery of more affordable and social housing as crucial for improving the housing market.”

The number of renters who do not own a home and intend to vote for the Conservative party on Thursday has halved since the last election, from 20% to just 10%.

Labour strongholds – where most respondents indicated that they were voting Labour on July 4th – were in the North West of England (42%) and the West Midlands (45%).

Conservative strongholds – regions that received the highest number of intentions to vote Conservative at this week’s polls – were in the East of England (25%) and East Midlands (20%).

Leeming added: “The East-West divide is interesting to see as many might assume the Conservatives dominate the South, where in fact what our results show is that in places like the South East Labour dominates. High house prices and a lack of building in these areas of the country will no doubt be playing a part in these votes.”

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