
How Blockchain Is Redefining Asset Ownership In The Web3 Era

The digital revolution has ushered in numerous advancements across various sectors, with one of the most significant developments in recent years being the emergence of blockchain technology and its application in asset tokenization. This innovation is not just a technical upgrade; it represents a fundamental shift in how assets are created, managed, and transferred. In the Web3 era, tokenization is poised to redefine asset ownership, offering unprecedented opportunities for liquidity, accessibility, and security across diverse asset classes.

The Concept of Tokenization

Tokenization involves converting physical and intangible assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. This process allows assets such as real estate, commodities, intellectual property (IP), and even art to be represented digitally. Each token acts as a proof of ownership, enabling fractional ownership, easier transferability, and enhanced transparency. The underlying blockchain technology ensures that these tokens are secure, immutable, and traceable, providing a robust framework for asset management and exchange.

“Tokenization bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds, creating new opportunities for ownership and investment,” explains Vigen Badalyan, a notable figure in the field of asset tokenization who is the co-founder of SoftConstruct and the mastermind behind the AKNEYE project. AKNEYE is an innovative platform that merges traditional sculpture with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), offering a unique blend of physical and digital art. Badalyan’s vision extends beyond the realm of art, as he sees tokenization as a transformative force across multiple industries.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the scope of tokenization will expand, encompassing a wider range of assets. The integration of smart contracts – self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code – will further streamline transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and minimizing costs.

Moreover, the advent of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms is likely to enhance the liquidity and accessibility of tokenized assets. These platforms allow users to lend, borrow, and trade assets in a decentralized manner, providing greater flexibility and control.

Real Estate: Tokenizing Tangible Assets

Real estate has long been a lucrative but illiquid asset class. Tokenization offers a solution by allowing property owners to convert their real estate into digital tokens, each representing a fraction of the property’s value. This approach democratizes real estate investment, enabling more people to participate in property ownership without needing significant capital.

Tokenization not only facilitates fractional ownership but also enhances liquidity, as these tokens can be traded on secondary markets. This innovation opens up new avenues for investors and provides property owners with quicker access to capital. This is what CoBuy, a shared homeownership platform, is building its business around. CoBuy simplifies home co-ownership for friends, relatives, and loved ones by creating a unique tokenized on-chain representation that seamlessly connects decisions, documents, finances, and events, saving consumers thousands on legal fees and delivering peace of mind.

Commodities and Intellectual Property: Expanding Horizons

Beyond real estate, tokenization is making waves in the commodities market. Precious metals, oil, and other tangible assets can be tokenized, providing investors with a secure and efficient way to trade these commodities. For instance, companies like TradeCloud and Paxos have developed platforms that allow the tokenization of gold, making it easier for investors to buy, sell, and transfer ownership.

Similarly, intellectual property (IP) is another area ripe for tokenization. Patents, copyrights, and trademarks can be digitized, creating a transparent and efficient system for IP management. This approach can help mitigate issues such as IP theft and fraud, providing a clear and immutable record of ownership and transactions. An example of this is ReinventDAO, a platform that empowers white collar creators to tokenize their know-how as tradable IP derivatives, and for investors and sponsors to participate in the future performance of the collection of Intellectual Capital.

The Art of Tokenization: Spotlight on AKNEYE

Art has always been a unique and valuable asset class, often subject to issues of provenance and authenticity. Tokenization addresses these challenges by providing a secure and transparent way to verify ownership and authenticity. The AKNEYE project, led by Vigen Badalyan, exemplifies how art can thrive in the digital age.

AKNEYE combines traditional sculpture with NFTs, creating eye-shaped sculptures that are both physical and digital. Each sculpture is tokenized and displayed in the AKNEYE digital gallery within the Fastexverse, an immersive virtual universe. This innovative approach allows for dynamic interactions between the artwork and its audience through the manipulation of light, sound, and movement, enhancing the overall experience. Additionally, each sculpture includes a glass bottle as a tear duct, enhancing its uniqueness.

“Art has always been about expression and connection,” says Badalyan. “By tokenizing art, we not only preserve its value and authenticity but also create new ways for people to engage with and invest in it.”

Vigen Badalyan envisions a transformative future for asset ownership. “With AKNEYE, we aim to demonstrate how art can evolve in the Web3 era, while also highlighting the broader implications for other asset classes,” explains Badalyan.


The age of tokenization is upon us, heralding a new era of asset ownership and management. By converting physical and intangible assets into digital tokens, blockchain technology offers unprecedented opportunities for liquidity, security, and accessibility. Visionaries like Vigen Badalyan are leading the charge with innovative projects like AKNEYE, demonstrating how art and other assets can thrive in the Web3 era. “Tokenization is just the beginning,” he asserts. “As we continue to develop and refine these technologies, we will see a profound shift in how assets are managed and exchanged. The future holds incredible potential for increased transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity in the financial ecosystem,” asserts Badalyan.

As we continue to explore the possibilities of tokenization, it is clear that this innovation will play a crucial role in shaping the future of finance and investment. In this dynamic landscape, staying informed and adaptable is the key to leveraging the full potential of tokenization. Whether you are an investor, a creator, or simply an enthusiast, the Web3 era offers exciting opportunities to redefine how we perceive and interact with assets.

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