
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal in the Shower?

The term ‘hair loss’ admittedly has some seriously scary connotations. And while it’s a very broad concept with lots of nuance, the high level summary is this: A certain amount of hair loss is totally normal and expected. The hair growth cycle has four different phases, one of which is shedding. Point being, at any given moment, a certain amount of hairs are falling out of your head in real time. We lose an average of 100 to 150 strands daily, says Bosley MD trichologist Gretchen Friese.

But, why is it that you most often notice this loss when you’re in the shower? And how can you tell if you’re shedding more than you should be…and what should you do then? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Do We Lose Hair in the Shower?

As mentioned, it’s a totally normal part of the hair growth cycle, but there are a few things going on when you stand under the spray that can exacerbate the situation. “Washing and conditioning can help loosen up hairs that were already in the shedding phase. If you don’t wash or brush your hair daily, those hairs can build up and come out all at once, making it seem like you’re losing more than you actually are,” explains Mona Foad, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Cincinnati, Ohio. “The water and conditioner also cause the strands to clump together, so the shedding might look a little more dramatic than usual,” she adds.

How Much Hair Loss in the Shower Is Normal?

Yes, that ‘100-150 strands daily’ guideline is a good number to keep in mind, but, practically speaking, no one is actually going to be collecting and counting each individual hair. “It’s obviously hard to count each strand and not all are lost in the shower. Some are shed during brushing or throughout the day,” Friese points out.

Ultimately, if it’s standard, run-of-the-mill, normal shedding, you probably won’t really notice it that much. In other words, whatever your baseline is is probably something you’re so used to seeing that you’re not really ever thinking about it. On the flip side, if the hair loss is becoming significant, you’ll quickly catch on that something is awry. To that point…

How Do You Know If You’re Losing More Hair Than Usual?

If you suddenly notice that you’re seeing way more hairs going down the drain than you have in the past, it’s worth paying attention to whether or not that continues and then act accordingly, Friese suggests. (More on that point in a moment.) Similarly, if you’re seeing not only large clumps of hair in the shower, but also thinning patches, or excessive shedding when you run your fingers through your hair, that could also be a sign of something abnormal, says Dr. Moad. “Another good way to see if your hair is thinning is to put it in a ponytail. If it’s thinner than normal, you might be suffering from some excess shedding.”

What Should You Do If You’re Losing a Lot of Hair in the Shower?

TL; DR: “A sudden increase in shedding, visible scalp changes, or any itching or tenderness should definitely be looked at by a dermatologist to rule out any underlying issues,” says Dr. Moad. There’s no shortage of potential causes, but things like stress, diet, hormonal shifts, and even certain medical conditions can all play a role, she points out.

There’s even a specific kind of hair loss known as telogen effluvium, which is characterized by an sudden onset of increased shedding three or four months after a stressful event, Dr. Moad adds. (Happily, this kind is temporary and usually resolves on its own.) Regardless, if your shower hair loss suddenly is causing you to take pause, it’s definitely worth seeking professional help so that you can get to the root of the issue (pun intended) and treat it accordingly.

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