
Late Night With The Devil Holds A Perfect Score And A Horror Master’s Blessing

Last March, someone connected with the film decided to slip a screener copy to Stephen King. The legendary author — whose massive list of novels includes classics like “Carrie,” “It,” “The Shining,” and so much more — has long been a willing promoter of rising horror stars if he feels they’ve got the goods. And, well, he went gaga for “Late Night with the Devil” in a single post on what was then called Twitter:

“LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL: I got a screener. It’s absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Your results may vary, as they say, but I urge you to watch it when you can.”

There are only a handful of living figures whose appreciation for your new horror movie can feel like a gift from the cinema gods. Getting the blessing of the most prolific and popular horror writer of all time certainly means something. Now, someone show “Late Night With the Devil” to John Carpenter. Let’s see how many other horror masters can offer a ringing endorsement.

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