
Mark Ruffalo Doesn’t Think a Solo ‘Hulk’ Movie Will Ever Happen – The Hollywood Reporter

Mark Ruffalo is opening up about his time as the Hulk and how he would love to do more with the character in the future. However, he told GQ in a recent interview that he acknowledges a solo Hulk movie is unlikely.

“I’d love to do a standalone Hulk, I just don’t think that’s ever going to happen,” the actor told the magazine. “It’s very expensive if you did a whole movie, which is why they use the Hulk so sparingly. I priced myself out!” He noted that while the cost of CGI has likely decreased over the years, it’s still quite pricey.

Now, it’s important to note that a solo Hulk movie would be a little more complicated than just the cost of making the film. While Ruffalo has starred as Hulk in Marvel movies, the rights to the character are actually owned by Universal Pictures, predating Disney‘s 2009 acquisition of Marvel Studios, which means Universal has the right of first refusal to distribute any standalone Hulk movies. However, the character is allowed to show up in other MCU characters’ films, such as Ruffalo’s appearances in the Avengers franchise.

The actor also shared his thoughts on the struggles superhero movies are currently facing, with some films, such as The Marvels, debuting at record lows at the box office last year.

“I think the expansion into streaming was really exciting, but the thing about Marvel movies is you had to wait three years and that created a mystique,” Ruffalo said of the genre that’s trying to find its footing post-Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man and Chris Evans’ Captain America. “These corrections could be really positive things. Will it be what it was? I don’t know.”

Elsewhere in the interview, the Poor Things actor addressed criticism he has received throughout the years in Hollywood for choosing to play a comic book character, which sometimes isn’t taken as seriously by some in the industry.

Ruffalo recalled when a fellow actor, who he left unnamed, asked him if he was worried some top directors may not work with him after starring in superhero movies. Although Ruffalo said wasn’t too concerned, he added that the actor told him, “Well, I can name a few who won’t work with you.” When he pushed back for a specific name, he recalled the actor saying, “Well, Paul Thomas Anderson won’t work with you.”

In response, Ruffalo remembered saying, “I was like, ‘Oh fuck. If there’s one person I wanna work with, it’s Paul Thomas Anderson. Well, that sucks.”

But Ruffalo has worked to prove himself as a well-rounded actor, taking on plenty of other projects outside of Marvel. Some of his roles have even scored him Oscar nominations, including The Kids Are All Right, Foxcatcher, Spotlight and Poor Things.

“I’m really proud of it,” he said of all the projects he’s had the opportunity to be a part of, including ones in the MCU. “I’ve sat in movie theaters with the movies I’ve done with big directors. I’ve also experienced these Marvel movies with an audience and the amount of community and expression… it touched every single emotion. That means something to me. I don’t look down on it.”

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