
Married Filing Jointly: Definition, Advantages, and Disadvantages

What Is Married Filing Jointly?

Married filing jointly is a tax filing status that allows a married couple to file a single tax return that records both of their taxable income, deductions, credits, and exemptions. The main alternative is “married filing separately.”

Married filing jointly is generally a better choice for couples, as it makes them eligible for some advantageous tax credits and deductions. However, separate filings are preferable in some cases. For example, if there is a great disparity in earned income between the two, filing separately may allow the lower earner to maximize certain deductions.

Key Takeaways

  • Married filing jointly is an income tax filing status available to any couple who has married by December 31 of the tax year.
  • This tax status is generally the best choice as it extends a number of tax credits designed to benefit families.
  • Taxpayers are required to choose a tax filing status by checking off the appropriate box at the top of the first page of Form 1040.
  • Married filing jointly allows a couple to use only one tax return.
  • Both spouses are equally responsible for the return and any taxes and penalties owed.

How Married Filing Jointly Works

Taxpayers are required to indicate their tax filing status on the top of the first page of Form 1040 by checking off the appropriate box. The options include:

  • Single
  • Married filing jointly
  • Married filing separately
  • Head of household
  • Qualifying surviving spouse

Married couples filing jointly generally have access to more tax benefits.

When using the married filing jointly filing status, both spouses are equally responsible for the return and the taxes. If either one understates the taxes due, both are equally liable for the penalties, unless the other spouse can prove they were unaware of the mistake and did not benefit from it.

Married Filing Jointly vs. Married Filing Separately

When using married filing jointly status, your total combined tax liability is often lower than the sum of your individual tax liabilities if you had filed separately. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) encourages couples to file together by offering them various tax benefits that don’t apply to other filing statuses.

Couples who file together qualify for multiple tax credits, including:

A joint tax return often provides a bigger tax refund or a lower tax liability. However, this is not always the case.

A couple may want to investigate their options by calculating the refund or balance due when filing jointly and separately. Then use the one that provides the biggest refund or the lowest tax liability.

Taxes can get pretty tricky. When in doubt, see a professional tax preparer.

Married Filing Jointly Requirements

You can use the married filing jointly status if both of the following statements are true:

  1. You were married on or before the last day of the tax year. In other words, if you were married on December 31, you are considered to have been married all year. If you were unmarried, divorced, or legally separated (according to state law) on December 31, you are considered unmarried for the year. There is an exception to this rule for the death of a spouse.
  2. You and your spouse both agree to file a joint tax return.

Before filing taxes, married couples should run some calculations to determine whether it makes more sense financially for them to file jointly or separately. Filing jointly is usually more rewarding, although not in every case.

If you were not divorced or legally separated on December 31, you are still considered unmarried if all of the following apply:

  • You lived apart from your spouse for the last six months of the tax year (not including temporary absences for reasons such as business, medical care, school, or military service)
  • You file your tax return separately from your spouse
  • You paid over half the cost of keeping up your home during the tax year
  • Your home was the main home of your child, stepchild, or foster child for more than half of the tax year

Is It Better to File Taxes as Married Filing Jointly?

Most couples find that filing jointly makes sense financially. The tax code is written to benefit married couples and families, and this status is the one that maximizes those generous tax breaks.

There are exceptions when filing separately saves you more. For example, if there’s a big disparity in income and the lower-earning individual has substantial itemizable deductions, filing separately can save the couple money.

When in doubt, try it both ways or see a tax adviser.

When Should Married Couples File Taxes Separately?

Despite the many benefits of filing jointly, there are instances in which filing separately may be more beneficial. This may be the case, for example, if one of you has significant miscellaneous deductions or medical expenses to claim.

What Is the Standard Deduction for Married Filing Jointly?

The standard deduction for married couples filing jointly in the 2023 tax year is $27,700. This is the amount that is not subject to taxation. This threshold increases to $29,200 in 2024.

The Bottom Line

Married filing jointly is one of the statuses that taxpayers can choose when they file their annual tax returns. This status is used by married couples who decide to file a single return. The couple must include their total income, deductions, and credits on that return.

For most couples, filing jointly has advantages, including a lower tax bill or a higher refund.

When in doubt, prepare separate and joint returns to see which one makes more sense.

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