My brother took my charger with him to his work without asking my permission and argued with me about it

This is his first shift for this work – he’s basically sanding wood boards for tiles the whole day. We live in the same house. Our parents bought us our own chargers, one each, so we can charge our phones and tablets. He broke his I don’t even know how many months ago and I’ve been letting him borrow mine ever since. He hasn’t bought another one because he’ll have to pay for it himself. He left the house while I was still asleep this morning. I told my dad and he didn’t seem too bothered that my brother basically stole it. He just told me to go down and buy another one that he can reimburse me for. I’m of course thankful that my dad is so generous that he’d still be willing to pay for it, but I feel like he’s missing the point. My brother is naturally stubborn and it’s made worse because he has diagnosed level two autism. He genuinely never thinks he’s in the wrong. He thinks everyone who argues with him is gaslighting him or twisting things around. He does this sort of thing a lot, ever since we were kids. Since he was diagnosed about last year, he hasn’t been getting adequate punishment for this kind of behaviour because he can’t help it. I know it’s true, that he can’t, but it just makes me feel like he can walk all over me and not get any consequences. submitted by /u/xXxHuntressxXx to r/mildlyinfuriating |
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