My Family Group Chat Helps Preserve My Heritage

For me, it’s about preserving everyday things like recipes, learning to make my patois sound less foreign by imitating my mother’s country accent, being reminded of the traditions of a Nine Night wake, and staying updated on island politics, new music, and trends. All of this happens over an unpredictably choppy Wi-Fi connection, with video calls fluctuating between crystal clear and pixelated. These calls usually end with me reminding my mother that speaking louder doesn’t help me understand her any better when the network is bad. There’s something so special about sitting on a call and getting a step-by-step walkthrough of how to make escovitch fish. Could I have googled the recipe? Yes, but to learn how it’s done by a family member trumps that entirely because of the authenticity. Google wouldn’t have told me about the differences between the fish at the grocery store, or that I should avoid one with cloudy eyes. This personal touch makes all the difference.
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