
Podcast 451 | Other People’s Possessions

In this public episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists talk about counting material possessions, decluttering other people’s possessions, and more. Listen to the full Maximal episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast.

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Discussed in This Episode

  • What’s the best way to count my material possessions?
  • What’s one thing you’d like to declutter from someone else’s life?
  • Right Here, Right Now: Who is The Minimalists’ newest team member?
  • Listener tip: What’s the best way to declutter the contacts on your phone?
  • How can I determine whether my opinions are useful or clutter? 
  • How would you go about explaining minimalism from scratch to kids?
  • Why do I get so happy when my friends cancel plans? 
  • Talkaboutable: How has social media ruined our concept of “fame”?
  • Have you heard of this new trend of men “raw dogging“ flights?
  • Obsolete Object: Getting rid of everything that causes pain?
  • More About Less: What is the “Out-in-the-Open” Rule for decluttering?

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • Fewer is greater than zero.
  • Clutter is the child of an unsure mind.
  • Why do you look at the clutter in your brother’s home and pay no attention to the clutter in your own home?
  • Every opinion is an argument with yourself.
  • A single drop of self-righteousness is enough to poison the present moment.
  • Anxiety clutters our ability to care about the important things.
  • A mental prison is built with bricks of “should.”
  • Relationships are earned, not granted. 
  • A demonstration is the best explanation.
  • Every relationship comes prepackaged with challenges, frustrations, and expectations.

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