
Resonance Chamber puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

The Resonance Chamber is a puzzle you’ll find in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s Gizeh during “The Idol of Ra.” When you head into the tunnels below the pyramid at the Khafre Excavation Site, you’ll come to a round room — the Chamber of Resonance — with three statues and Adamic tablets on the walls.

Our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle guide will show you how to solve the Resonance Chamber puzzle.

How to start the Resonance Chamber puzzle

As part of the “Idol of Ra” main story adventure, you’ll head to the pyramid just west of the Khafre Excavation Site to look for clues.

You’re looking for a pile of stone blocks under a small tree. Those blocks form an overhang over a small tunnel. When you find the tunnel, you’ll need a two-handed weapon — you can find a sledgehammer at the tent just across the road.

Take that back and smash through the fragile wall to enter the tunnels. There’s only one path through, and it will lead you to the Resonance Chamber.

As you explore the Resonance Chamber, start taking pictures of each of the Adamic tablets on the wall. After you snag the first couple, you’ll get a prompt to pull out Laura’s Journal. Do that — you have to trigger a cutscene before you can continue.

Once you get pictures of the tablets in the main room (there are four), face the statues and look to the left — you’ll find a low tunnel you can crawl into.

Crawl through, and you’ll find another curving tunnel. Use your lighter to light each brazier (really more of a cresset) and keep taking pictures of tablets. There are two more to find along the tunnel.

At the very end of the tunnel, grab the two-handed mace on the ground to smash through the wall on your right. Grab the Tablet Piece from the ground and head back into the main room.

Place the Tablet Piece into the broken tablet and snap a picture of the completed tablet.

Head to the central statue to find a table where you can spread out your pictures.

Resonance Chamber puzzle solution

The six pictures that Indy lays out form two sentences. You have to touch each photo in order. If you screw up, you just have to start the sentences over. You’ll know you’re making progress from the six spouts of sand in the statue’s base — they’ll start flowing as you form your sentences.

The two sentences you’re trying to make are: “Heed” “The Lord’s” “Oath” and “Protect” “The secret” “Of the name.”

Once the Resonance Chamber puzzle is solved, you’ll fall into an Underground Cave System that will (eventually) lead you to the Light Chamber puzzle.

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