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Roommate lied about paying her mortgage. While I’ve been paying $2000 a month rent, she’s been making extravagant purchases.

I live in a large 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom house with a roommate. She owns the house. We each get two bedrooms, I use the second bedroom as my work from home office. The other day, I found an open piece of mail on the table that was a notice from the water company that there is a lien placed on the property for a $100 water bill (that I’ve been paying half of for the last year). So I confronted my roomie, who said she had just forgotten about it and would pay it right away and take care of the lien issue.

However, in the last 12 months that I’ve been paying rent, she’s purchased 4 broken down cars, an old small fishing boat and a brand new $8000 golf cart (as the property is large). She also has a brand new wardrobe and other miscellaneous purchases. I asked her long ago where she’s getting the money for all these things and she told me her Aunt died and left her a decent amount of money.

About six months after I moved in, she bought a locking mailbox and won’t allow me to get the mail anymore for some reason. So the other day, she left her phone open when she got up from the couch, and the screenshot above is what I sent to myself, as it shows she hasn’t paid a single month of the mortgage since I’ve moved in. I confronted her and she denied it, saying it was her mother’s mortgage in the picture not hers. Which is a clear lie, based on the mortgage terms, it’s definitely her mortgage.

Now, I’m looking for a new place to live. I just can’t believe she would do this when she had $2000 coming in from me every month.

submitted by /u/rainbows-and-gravy to r/mildlyinfuriating

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