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School messed up and let me take an insane exam

I just took my final exam for cosmetology school yesterday. It was on my computer and when I opened it, it said 1,124 questions. My classmates and the students in the other programs all knew because I was like wtf about it. My teacher was like "damn that sucks."

I spent 9 hours taking that exam. NINE HOURS. It was probably the 7th worst day of my life.

Today I went to the school director and said "hey I finished my final exam. I got a 94% but oh my god that was alot of questions. Like really. Why over 1000?"

She said "….1000? It's supposed to be 100."

Nobody knows why it showed up the way it did. I'm waiting for answers because I'm pretty exasperated. Also feel like a total fool 🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣

submitted by /u/cmutzy to r/mildlyinfuriating

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