Study Indicates CBD Safe For Extended Use In Dogs

Study Indicates CBD Safe For Extended Use In Dogs

What’s claimed to be the first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed safety study of long term usage cannabidiol (CBD) products in healthy dogs has returned positive results.

As well as treating or managing various conditions in humans, cannabidiol has also seen growing popularity among dog owners where it is legal for vets to prescribe – but also where it isn’t. While various studies have indicated potential benefits, more research is needed – particularly with regard to long term use.

A study led by the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) is helping to plug that knowledge gap. In the study, 32 healthy beagle dogs were randomized into four treatment groups and treated with either:

  • Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil as the control (placebo). MCT is a carrier oil commonly used in cannabis formulations
  • Broad spectrum cannabidiol (CBD).
  • Broad spectrum CBD with cannabigerol (CBG).
  • Broad spectrum CBD with cannabidiolic acid (CBDA).

The dogs were dosed at a rate of 5mg/kg daily for 90 consecutive days, with a 14-day recovery period. Results show that CBD, CBD + CBG and CBD + CBDA at the ratios and doses utilized were well tolerated.

The study also involved 10 years of post-market surveillance data from the NASC’s Adverse Event Reporting Database (NAERS®) for hemp-derived supplement products sold for use in dogs from 2010 to 2023 (partial year). This analysis indicated the rate per 1 million administrations sold was 2.10 for adverse events and 0.01 for serious adverse events.

We originally reported on this study last year, but at that point it had not been peer reviewed. It has now been published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

Regarding the results, the NASC says:

“Based on the results of this study, other published studies, and data from extensive post-market surveillance, hemp-derived cannabinoids are well tolerated in healthy dogs at a dose of 5mg/kg of body weight per day and do not pose significant risk to dogs in long-term use.”

While the results are encouraging, it’s important dog owners consult with a knowledgeable veterinary professional before administering CBD to their pets. This is even more important if the dog is being administered other medication.

Learn more about pets and CBD.

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