

Making the Case Against the 401(k)

Episode 192 of the Investopedia Express with Caleb Silver (June 17, 2024) <img src='https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/VeDV0Mw2gBxJwVHR4FNVqITmHNk=/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/MakingtheCaseAgainstthe401k-3571ceab27eb49d39a476d32db312926.jpg' alt=' Johner Images / Getty Images, Marla…

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Debunking The 401(k) Doomsday Predictions

Despite the recent surge of click-baity headlines surrounding a recent white paper, the 401(k) remains a sound and popular option…

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Your 401(k) might be feeding the climate crisis » Yale Climate Connections

People often debate the best things individuals can do to help solve the climate crisis — ditch your combustion engine…

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401(k) vs. Pension Plan: What’s the Difference?

A 401(k) and a pension are both employer-sponsored retirement plans. Both are methods for funding employees’ retirements, and both can…

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Can You Have a Pension and a 401(k)?

If you work for an employer that offers both a 401(k) plan and a pension plan, you’re in a lucky…

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The Average 401(k) Balance by Age

Age  Average 401(k) Account Balance  20-29 $10,500 30-39 $38,400 40-49 $93,400 50-59 $160,000  60-69  $182,100 70-79  $171,400 According to Fidelity…

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Are ETFs a Good Fit for 401(k) Plans?

Exchange-traded funds are a popular investment choice for many investors because of their benefits and low costs. For this reason,…

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