

Chorus or cacophony? Cicada song hits hard for some people with autism : Shots

Individually, periodical cicadas aren’t especially noisy, but when they cluster, their collective song can get as loud as a gas-powered…

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Vaccines don’t cause autism, but the lie won’t die. In fact, it’s getting worse.

Enlarge / An MMR and VAR vaccine ready for a pediatric vaccination at Kaiser Permanente East Medical offices in Denver…

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Groundbreaking study connects genetic risk for autism to changes observed in the brain

A groundbreaking study led by UCLA Health has unveiled the most detailed view of the complex biological mechanisms underlying autism,…

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Brain connectivity patterns differ in infants at familial risk for autism

A study co-led by researchers at UCLA Health has found distinct brain connectivity patterns in six-week-old infants at risk for…

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Metabolism of autism reveals developmental origins

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have shed new light on the changes in metabolism…

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How autism can look very different, even in identical twins : Short Wave : NPR

When the boys spent a year in the same school, Sam did fine, but John struggled and had some noisy…

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Study shows heightened sensitivity to PTSD in autism

For the first time, researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute have proven that a mild stress is enough to trigger…

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Brain mechanisms underlying sensory hypersensitivity in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder

A research team led by Director KIM Eunjoon of the Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions and Director KIM Seong-Gi of…

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Study identifies new metric for diagnosing autism

Autism spectrum disorder has yet to be linked to a single cause, due to the wide range of its symptoms…

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Tylenol During Pregnancy Won’t Increase Risk of ADHD, Autism

April 11, 2024 – Scientists and researchers have long raised concerns over the potential increased risks of autism and ADHD…

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