

Banning arms sales to Israel would be ‘insane’, says Boris Johnson | Arms trade

Boris Johnson has said banning arms sales to Israel would be “insane”. The former prime minister also criticised the foreign…

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The UK moves another step closer to banning phones in schools

Mobile phone ownership has become standard for people of most ages, and, while there’s a convenience argument, experts and regulators…

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Real Estate

Atlantic Terminal Mall Is One of Many Spaces Banning Teens

Photo: Craig Warga/Bloomberg via Getty Images “I feel like a creep,” Asanai Grim tells me after asking a woman on…

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Real Estate

Hawaii Legislator Floats Bill Banning Foreign Buyers From Island

Hawaii State Senator Brenton Awa has presented a bill aimed at banning foreign buyers from purchasing or investing in property…

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A California town will vote on banning factory farms. What does that mean for the rest of the US? | Farming

This year voters in Berkeley, California, will get to choose whether to ban factory farms in its city limits –…

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