

Biomarkers reveal how patients with glaucoma may respond to treatment

Markers in the blood that predict whether glaucoma patients are at higher risk of continued loss of vision following conventional…

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Biomarkers in blood to predict liver cancer

Early detection has the potential to transform treatment and outcomes in cancer care, especially for cancers like liver cancer, which…

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Biophysics: Testing how well biomarkers work

LMU researchers have developed a method to determine how reliably target proteins can be labeled using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. Modern…

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Biomarkers of the middle-aged brain predict cognitive health in old age

The middle-aged brain could provide a window into future cognitive health, researchers write in a review publishing March 19 in…

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Potential novel biomarkers of coronary heart disease discovered

Coronary heart disease is a major global health problem, especially among people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the German…

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