

Sharing expands caring: Study finds solution to a major source of doctor burnout

Who hasn’t sat in a medical office, listening to computer keys clacking while their provider rapidly types up notes, wondering…

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Kick Burnout to the Curb by Sleeping More

Though its definition is somewhat open to interpretation, burnout is recognized by the World Health Organization as a response to workplace stress…

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Pressure to be ‘perfect’ causing burnout for parents, mental health concerns for their children

Researchers leading a national dialogue about parental burnout from The Ohio State University College of Nursing and the university’s Office…

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Burnout Is Pushing Workers to Use AI—Even if Their Boss Doesn’t Know

White-collar workers are so overwhelmed with emails, web chats, and meetings that they are using AI tools to get their…

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Burnout culture: Working late shifts can lead to depression, poor health : Shots

Working late nights and variable schedules when you’re young is linked with poor health and depression at 50, a new…

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The Cure for Burnout Might Be … Work?

Some of my friends and I keep an accountability tracker to help us stay on top of our goals. Most…

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