

These best boys and girls just graduated from the ATF’s National Canine Academy : NPR

K-9 Maggie returns to her handler, Special Agent Lindsey Bates, during a demonstration of an explosives search following a graduation…

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How did sabre-toothed tigers acquire their long upper canine teeth?

In a groundbreaking study, an international team led by scientists from the University of Liège has investigated the evolutionary patterns…

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Researchers find microplastics in canine and human testicular tissue

University of New Mexico researchers have detected significant concentrations of microplastics in the testicular tissue of both humans and dogs,…

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The serious side of kid and canine play

With two-thirds of children in the U.S. failing to meet national physical activity guidelines, kinesiologists at the University of Massachusetts…

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Links between human, canine brain tumors

Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS), Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital researchers have…

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