

Vallenatos Belong to Colombian Farmers

Although Vives’ music is vallenato-adjacent, he still believes his songs spiritually connect to folkloric vallenato. True vallenatos, he says, told…

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Colombian guerrillas withdraw threat to disrupt UN biodiversity summit | Colombia

A dissident rebel group has backed down from its threat to disrupt the UN biodiversity summit in Colombia later this…

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Colombian Congress votes to ban bullfighting

Colombia’s Congress has passed a bill which will ban bullfighting across the Andean country from 2027. The ban is the…

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Colombian Singer Elsa y Elmar Welcomes Our Multitudes

Despite how much it changed her worldview, Elsa’s distaste for order reared its head again at the end of those…

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Food & Drink

Medellín’s Third-Wave Cafes Are Changing the Colombian Coffee Scene

“En casa del herrero, azadón de palo.” In the blacksmith’s house, a wooden hoe. This popular saying in Colombia (which…

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