

Fighting fat and inflammation: Scientists develop powerful new compounds

Obesity and inflammatory diseases are increasing in prevalence and contribute to the growing burden of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes…

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Drug compounds to combat neurodegenerative diseases

Prions are the abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular…

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Natural compounds that selectively kill parasites

An international team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has found a family of natural compounds with potential…

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Cellphone compass can measure tiny concentrations of compounds important for human health

Nearly every modern cellphone has a built-in compass, or magnetometer, that detects the direction of Earth’s magnetic field, providing critical…

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Compounds in female ginseng could lead to new osteoporosis treatments

With ever-increasing life expectancy comes the challenge of treating age-related disorders such as osteoporosis. Although there are effective drugs for…

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New reagent improves the process of making sulfur-containing compounds that may be used in medicines

During the past decade, there has been significant development of new sulfur containing compounds that are used in various industries,…

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