

Dancing galaxies make a monster at the cosmic dawn

Astronomers have spotted a pair of galaxies in the act of merging 12.8 billion years ago. The characteristics of these…

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Galaxies in dense environments tend to be larger, settling one cosmic question and raising others

For decades, scientists have known that some galaxies reside in dense environments with lots of other galaxies nearby. Others drift…

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Cosmic wrestling match | ScienceDaily

Our universe is around 13.8 billion years old. Over the vastness of this time, the tiniest of initial asymmetries have…

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Shocked quartz reveals evidence of historical cosmic airburst

Researchers continue to expand the case for the Younger Dryas Impact hypothesis. The idea proposes that a fragmented comet smashed…

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Pair of merging quasars at cosmic dawn

Since the very first instant after the Big Bang the Universe has been expanding. This means that the early Universe…

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NASA’s Roman mission gets cosmic ‘sneak peek’ from supercomputers

Researchers are diving into a synthetic universe to help us better understand the real one. Using supercomputers at the U.S.…

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Cosmic rays illuminate the past

Researchers at the University of Bern have for the first time been able to pin down a prehistoric settlement of…

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A ‘cosmic glitch’ in gravity

A group of researchers at the University of Waterloo and the University of British Columbia have discovered a potential “cosmic…

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Total Eclipses Are a Cosmic Accident

Eclipses are not particularly rare in the universe. One occurs every time a planet, its orbiting moon, and its sun…

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‘Cosmic cannibals’ expel jets into space at 40 percent the speed of light

For the first time, astronomers have measured the speed of fast-moving jets in space, crucial to star formation and the…

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