

How Disinformation From a Russian AI Spam Farm Ended up on Top of Google Search Results

In the space of 24 hours, a piece of Russian disinformation about Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife buying a Bugatti…

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How the Biden Administration Is (Not Really) Handling Disinformation

Leah Feiger: It’s like, what a beautiful idea. Jon Favreau: And now when you only organize people online and they…

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A Surgeon General Warning, The Disinformation Battle and The Rise of CryptoPACs

Listen to and follow ‘Hard Fork’Apple | Spotify | Amazon | YouTube The Surgeon General is calling for warning labels…

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Student Journalists Face Storm of Campus Protest Disinformation

One of the big topics of dissension was the issue of “outside agitators,” a narrative spread by both the Columbia…

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Why China Is So Bad at Disinformation

The headlines sounded dire: “China Will Use AI to Disrupt Elections in the US, South Korea and India, Microsoft Warns.”…

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Kremlin-backed actors spread disinformation ahead of US elections

Kremlin-backed actors have stepped up efforts to interfere with the US presidential election by planting disinformation and false narratives on…

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How to spot five of the fossil fuel industry’s biggest disinformation tactics | Climate crisis

Increasingly sophisticated and better-funded disinformation is making climate coverage trickier both for journalists to produce and for the public to…

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Antiabortion Disinformation Ads Ran Rampant on Facebook and Instagram

Ads containing abortion-related misinformation are allowed to run on Facebook and Instagram in countries across Asia, Africa, and Latin America,…

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Good Luck Fighting Disinformation – The Atlantic

In April 2022, Nick Sawyer sat down before a committee of the California State Assembly to argue for legislation to…

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Humza Yousaf criticises ‘disinformation’ over new Scottish hate crime law | Scottish politics

Humza Yousaf has hit back at “disinformation and inaccuracy” surrounding Scotland’s controversial hate crime act, after the Scottish Conservative leader,…

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